Browsing Institutt for samfunnsvitskap by Title
Now showing items 28-47 of 464
Can systematic implementation support improve programme fidelity by improving care providers’ perceptions of implementation factors? A cluster randomized trial
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background Investigations of implementation factors (e.g., collegial support and sense of coherence) are recommended to better understand and address inadequate implementation outcomes. Little is known about the relationship ... -
Capacity Building for a Stronger Workforce in the Public Healthcare Sector
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In a more and more demanding sector, healthcare leaders are in need of relevant and up-to-date competencies. The paper describes the iComPAss-project that aimed to increase the quality of a Master’s programme for healthcare ... -
Changes and Continuities in the Development of Rural Teacher Education in the Fjords of Western Norway
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022)In this chapter, we apply historical institutionalism to study the development of teacher education in Sogndal, a Norwegian rural village, from the early 1960s to the present. The rationale for establishing teacher training ... -
Changes in funding of higher education and research: stronger governmental steering and organisational control of higher education institutions and academic behaviour?
(Doctoral thesis, 2015)Funding of higher education and research has experienced substantial changes in the last decades. Although there is variation across European countries, a stronger competitive element increasingly characterises higher ... -
Chea's Great Kuarao
(Report, 2000)The people of Chea village, centrally located in the great Marovo Lagoon of the western Solomon Islands in the South Pacific, organize annual communal fishing expeditions called kuarao, in which the entire village community ... -
Competence Levels of Didactic Practice for the Learning of the Unknown
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)The research objective of this article is to identify didactic practice and its competence levels and discuss possible differences and common traits within these competence levels. Furthermore, the paper seeks to develop ... -
Consensus, majority rule and managerialism in local government : Norwegian experiences and prospects
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 1996) -
Contextual factors of external inspections and mechanisms for improvement in healthcare organizations: a realist evaluation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)External inspections constitute a key element of healthcare regulation. Improved quality of care is one of the important goals of inspections but the mechanisms of how inspections might contribute to quality improvement ... -
Crusading for Peace? The Idea of Peace in the Historia de profectione Danorum in Hierosolymam (c. 1200)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
CSCL : et paradigme i Kuhns forstand eller-?
(HSF Notat, Book, 2004)Tim Koschmann utga i 1996 artikkelen ”Paradigm shifts and Instructional Technology: An Introduction” der han med bakgrunn i Kuhns paradigmebegrep argumenterte for å se på Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) ... -
A curriculum inquiry of the implementation of the Geography syllabus in secondary schools in Tanzania
(Masteroppgave i samfunnsfagsdidaktikk, Master thesis, 2015-05)This study investigates how the Tanzanian geography syllabus is implemented and used in a secondary school. In order to understand how much of the syllabus is recognizable in the actual teacher’s practice, John I. Goodlad’s ... -
Data literacy and use for learning when using learning analytics for learners
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)In this position paper we suggest that Learning Analytics for Learners (LAL) requires new digital competences of learners. The use of Open Learner Models, Learning Analytics, and Visual Analytics creates new ... -
Deltid blant kvinnelege sjukepleiarar : sjanse eller problem?
(Master thesis, 2008)Kva er grunnen til at mange av dei kvinnelege sjukepleiarane vel deltid Har dei noko val? Er valet om deltid teke ut frå eit personleg eller privat perspektiv? Studien har som formål å få kunnskap om kvinnelege sjukepleiarar ... -
Dementia Researchers’ Inside Views on Research Networks and Alignment With Public Research Funding: A Qualitative Study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This study presents the dementia researchers views of research networks, and how the networks fit into their pursuit of research objectives and dementia research funding. We conducted 10 semi-structured interviews with 10 ... -
Demokrati, effektivitet og debatten om kommunestrukturen
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2002) -
Den entreprenørskapsorienterte skuleleiaren
(Master thesis, 2017)Studien har som føremål å få kunnskap om skuleleiarar som legg til rette for entreprenørskaps- og nettverksorienterte strategiar og aktivitetar ved eigen skule. Det blir brukt ein kvalitativ metode der seks skuleleiarar ... -
Den første tiden i yrket
(Nordisk pedagogikk 2005 no 1, Journal article, 2005)Overgangen fra lærerutdanning til læreryrket er mangfoldig og ikke uten problemer. De som best vet «hvor skoen trykker», er de nyutdannede selv. I denne artikkelen drøfter vi i hvor stor grad de nyutdannede opplever at de ... -
Den gode digitale stien i fag- og yrkesopplæringen
(Master thesis, 2023)Denne oppgaven ønsker å undersøke hvordan opplæringen for maritime lærlinger er tilrettelagt når de er om bord i ulike fartøy/ute til sjøs, og bruken av de digitale opplæringsverktøyene. Tittelen i prosjektet er: Den gode ... -
Den gode skuleleiaren: ei narrativ analyse av læraren sine perspektiv på leiing
(Master thesis, 2019)Samandrag Føremålet med denne oppgåva er å finne fram til kva for perspektiv på leiing lærarar tek i bruk når dei omtalar sin ideelle skuleleiar. Forskinga på rektor si rolle og skuleleiing dreiar seg mykje om leiing i ...