Høgskulen på Vestlandet
HVL Open er vitenarkivet til Høgskulen på Vestlandet. Her publiseres bl. artikler, master- og bacheloroppgaver. Det publiseres bacheloroppgaver med karakter A og B, og alle beståtte masteroppgaver, forutsatt at studenten har godkjent publisering. Alle studentoppgavene er publisert med tilhørende emnekode, søk gjerne på emnekoden om du er på jakt etter oppgaver fra en bestemt studieretning.
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Recent Submissions
«Vi er ingen selskapsdamer»: Førstelinjeansattes legitimering av nedprioritering av omsorg i hjemmetjenestene
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Bakgrunn: De siste årene har det vært økt oppmerksomhet på å få kontroll på ressursbruken i de kommunale helse- ogomsorgstjenestene. I artikkelen presenterer vi en etnografisk studie av prioritering i praksis – med søkelys ... -
Interprofessional follow-up for people at risk of type 2 diabetes in primary healthcare–a randomized controlled trial with embedded qualitative interviews
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Objective To examine the effects of an empowerment-based interprofessional lifestyle intervention program among people at risk of type 2 diabetes on knowledge, skills, and confidence in self-management, health, psychological ... -
Response processes for patients providing quantitative self-report data: a qualitative study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Objective To identify factors that influence response processes for patients providing quantitative self-report data. Secondly, due to the lack of integrative and explanatory models in this area, to develop a model of ... -
The Trumpization of the Grand Old Party
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: The purposes of this article are to (1) detail the extent to which the Republican Party personalized in the period from Donald Trump's first becoming a presidential candidate through 2022 and the process by ... -
Seeds of latent hope: The figurative entwinement of children, adolescents, and plants in Maja Lunde’s “The Dream of A Tree”
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Drawing on theorizations of climate fiction, previous studies of plants in climate fiction (cli-fi) for young adults, perspectives from critical plant studies, and discussions on the symbolism of seeds and trees, this study ... -
Developing an MLA-test for young learners–insights from measurement theory and language testing
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article presents the process of constructing and validating a test of metalinguistic awareness (MLA) for young school children (age 8–10). The test was developed between 2021 and 2023 as part of the MetaLearn research ... -
Reformering av barnehagelærarutdanninga – mellom nasjonale standardar og institusjonell fridom
(Doctoral thesis, 2024)Temaet for denne avhandlinga er styring og reformering av høgare utdanning. Temaet blir utforska gjennom caset barnehagelærarutdanningsreforma i 2012. Målet med denne studien har vore å sjå nærare på reformeringa av norsk ... -
Questionable relations: On aggressive financialised ‘assemblages’ in creative and ecologically-challenged space-economies
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In this contribution, the interest is in three things, arising from a project on ‘dark’ F-KIBS clusters. This has already resulted in critical papers on management consultancy and accounting ‘assemblages’ in which such ... -
Grunnrentefrie boliger for en tredje boligsektor
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Norge er et land av huseiere, og den såkalte eierlinjen står sterkt i boligpolitikken. Allerede i 1981 bodde over 70 % av befolkningen i en husholdning som eide egen bolig. De siste årene har imidlertid andelen som bor i ... -
Using Progress Feedback to Enhance Treatment Outcomes: A Narrative Review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)We face increasing demand for greater access to effective routine mental health services, including telehealth. However, treatment outcomes in routine clinical practice are only about half the size of those reported in ... -
Aktiveringspolitikk og prioritering i kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenester til eldre: Tjenestetildelingens «fortjenestefullhet»
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Tjenestetildeling og prioritering i de kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenestene har fått ny aktualitet i lys av bærekraftutfordringer i primærhelsetjenesten. I artikkelen undersøker vi hvordan styringssignaler og moralske ... -
More-than-food tourism
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Food tourism researchers are increasingly seeking to question why tourists eat animals, and the ethical dimensions of such encounters. The tourist experience has largely been taken as the starting point in this research, ... -
The effect of a home-based, gamified stability skills intervention on 4-5-year-old children's physical and cognitive outcomes: A pilot study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background Stability skills (e.g., static/dynamic balance) are a precursor for other movement skill development (e.g., jumping, catching). However, young children consistently demonstrate low stability and movement skill ... -
Struggling with Fitting in: Clients Mixed Experiences of Receiving Job Support and Getting a Job When Participating in Individual Placement and Support in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Purpose To explore clients’ experiences of receiving job support from employment specialists (ESs) working with individual placement and support (IPS) in Norway. IPS is developed to help people with severe mental illness ... -
Professional Development Among Preschool Teachers: Meta-Conversations About Peer Counseling
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article aims to analyze discourse about professional development in preschool, represented by knowledge movements in meta-conversations about peer counseling. Empirically, this article presents a case study based on ... -
Presentation of the first international research network to foster high-quality clinical trials testing non-pharmacological interventions (TRACTION network)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Clinical trials are essential for evaluating the efficacy and safety of new treatments and health interventions. However, while pharmacological trials are well-established, non-pharmacological trials face unique challenges ... -
Making vulnerable groups able to connect socially and digitally— opportunities and pitfalls
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article addresses digital and social inclusion of adults with potential low digital skills. The article presents a case study of how digital learning activities (DLAs) as a service to refugees, immigrants, senior ... -
Walking and balance in older adults with age-related hearing loss: A cross-sectional study of cases and matched controls
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background Hearing loss (HL) is prevalent in older individuals. It is suggested that there is an association between age-related HL, walking and balance, leading to poorer function and increased risk of falls in older ... -
Shrinking Cities for Economic Growth? Insights From the Housing Sector
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This research focuses on examining how the pursuit of economic growth can contribute to urban shrinkage. In contrast to the prevalent definition of urban shrinkage that links population loss to insufficient levels of ... -
Rap og multietnolektisk myndiggjøring i dagbokromanen Hør’a dagbok!
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In this article, I explore the utilization of literary multiethnolect as a stylistic device by author Amina Sewali to depict the linguistic and cultural empowerment of the 12-year-old protagonist in the Norwegian children’s ...