Browsing Institutt for sikkerheit, kjemi- og bioingeniørfag by Title
Now showing items 10-29 of 478
Analyse av fuger i mur og betongelementer
(Bachelor thesis, 2014-07-17)Denne oppgaven tar for seg fuger i mur og betongelementer. Ulike typer fuger blir nevnt i bakgrunn, men oppgaven fokuserer hovedsakelig på ikke-kraftoverførende fuger. Fuger er med på å komplettere bygningsdeler. Det som ... -
Analyse og forbedring av granskingsprosedyre ved Knutsen OAS
(Bachelor thesis, 2009)Formålet med oppgaven var å utvikle forslag til forbedring av granskingsmetoden som brukes hos Knutsen OAS. Det ble utført analyser, intervju, gjennomgang av diverse teori og eksterne granskinger for å finne frem til ... -
Analyse av personsikkerheten ved brann i Pakkeriet ved Larvik Mølle
(Bachelor thesis, 2009)Oppgaven er gjort for Norconsult AS i Larvik, og omhandler et prosjekt i regi av Riksantikvaren som en del av et nasjonalt prosjekt for verdiskapning og bevaring av kulturmnner. Hensikten ... -
Analysis of a Costly Fiberglass-Polyester Air Filter Fire
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)In September 2020, a fire at a liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant in the Arctic areas of Norway received national attention. In an unengaged air intake, the heat exchanger designed to prevent ice damage during production ... -
Analysis of a High‐Voltage Room Quasi‐Smoke Gas Explosion
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)During an air separation unit shut-down in a methanol production plant, a stop signal was sent to the control cabinet of a synchronous motor for a booster compressor. The control cabinet stopped magnetizing the rotor, while ... -
Analysis of Expected Skin Burns from Accepted Process Flare Heat Radiation Levels to Public Passersby
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Hot flaring, even from quite high flare stacks, may result in significant heat radiation outside a facility to, e.g., public roads where random passersby may be exposed. The present study suggests a novel method for analyzing ... -
Analysis of wood fuel moisture content on enclosure fire through small scale experiments
(Master thesis, 2021)Norway is a country where there are many dense residential areas consisting of wooden houses. Many of these areas consist of old buildings with historical value and mapping shows that there are 167 areas of this type. Areas ... -
Antall hybler i samme branncelle
(Master thesis, 2022)Studenter har et grunnleggende ønske om å bo sentralt, og i nærheten av undervisningslokalene til utdanningsstedet. Regjeringen har lagt til rette for å øke antall studentboliger i regi av studentsamskipnader, men grunnet ... -
Application of flow cytometry in ballast water analysis - biological aspects
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017) -
Application of functional metal anionic Lewis acid ionic liquids in the alkylation of chlorobenzene/SOCl2
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)4,4′-Dichlorodiphenyl sulfoxide is the main raw material for the manufacture of polysulfone, polyether sulfone and other engineering plastics. It is also an intermediate for medicines, dyes and pesticides, which has been ... -
Arbeidsmiljø på dagsorden ! : Ved Haugesund Sanitetsforenings Revmatismesykeshus
(Bachelor thesis, 2003)Rapporten tar for seg sentrale problemstillinger Haugesund Sanitetsforeningens Revmatismesykehus (HSR) står ovenfor i forhold til de psykososiale og organisatoriske arbeidsmiljøfaktorene. Samfunnet har satt krav gjennom ... -
Architects & Fire Safety Engineers; Common Grounds A Holistic Approach to Integrate Fire Safety Requirements within Building Design
(Master thesis, 2020)This thesis aims at researching methods of bridging the gap between the disciplines of architecture and fire safety engineering in the workplace, eventually reaching common grounds. Architects and fire safety engineers ... -
Assessing the Efficacy of Open-State Cavity Barriers with improper installation through intermediate-scale testing
(Master thesis, 2023)The tragic Grenfell Tower fire in 2017 was worsened by combustible materials within the building structure. Following this incident, Fire risk appraisal of external wall construction and cladding of existing blocks of flats ... -
Assessment of current methane emission quantification techniques for natural gas midstream applications
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Methane emissions from natural gas systems are increasingly scrutinized, and accurate reporting requires quantification of site- and source-level measurement. We evaluate the performance of 10 available state-of-the-art ... -
Asset Integritet Management(AIM) på den norske kontinentalsokkel(NCS). Praktiske gjennomføringer og utfordringer innenfor offshore-vedlikehold.
(Bachelor thesis, 2014-07-30)Oppgaven begynner med å gi en teoretisk innsikt på hvordan Asset Integrity Management(AIM) operer på den norske sokkel(NCS). Ut i fra disse retningslinjene går oppgaven videre til hvordan disse retningslinjene praktiseres ... -
Attack rates amongst household members of outpatients with confirmed COVID-19 in Bergen, Norway: A case-ascertained study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background Households studies reflect the natural spread of SARS-CoV-2 in immunologically naive populations with limited preventive measures to control transmission. We hypothesise that seropositivity provides more ... -
Automatisering av forenklet brannteknisk prosjektering
(Bachelor thesis, 2018) -
The average velocity in a queue
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)A number of cars drive along a narrow road that does not allow overtaking. Each driver has a certain maximum speed at which he or she will drive if alone on the road. As a result of slower cars ahead, many cars are forced ... -
Avfallsdunker i brann
(Bachelor thesis, 2019) -
Avfallshåndtering – et grønnere laboratorium
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)