Browsing Institutt for sikkerheit, kjemi- og bioingeniørfag by Title
Now showing items 104-123 of 476
Can Remote Virtual Simulation Improve Practice-Based Training? Presence and Performance in Incident Commander Education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)An incident commander (IC) is expected to take command in any incident to mitigate consequences for humans, property, and the environment. To prepare for this, practice-based training in realistic simulated situations is ... -
Case study of a transport centre
(Bachelor thesis, 2004)As part of our degree course we are required to undertake a final year thesis project. Audun Borg and Ronny Jakobsen were selected from /Stord University – College (HSH) along with Richard McKeown, Benoit Guyonneau and ... -
Characterisation of HNF1A variants in paediatric diabetes in Norway using functional and clinical investigations to unmask phenotype and monogenic diabetes
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Aims/hypothesis Correctly diagnosing MODY is important, as individuals with this diagnosis can discontinue insulin injections; however, many people are misdiagnosed. We aimed to develop a robust approach for determining ... -
Circulating monocyte subsets in multiple myeloma patients receiving autologous stem cell transplantation – a study of the preconditioning status and the course until posttransplant reconstitution for a consecutive group of patients
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Background Induction therapy of multiple myeloma patients prior to autologous stem cell transplantation has changed from conventional chemotherapy to treatment based on proteasome inhibitors or immunomodulatory drugs. We ... -
Cold Climate Structural Fire Danger Rating System?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018) -
A Cold Climate Wooden Home and Conflagration Danger Index: Justification and Practicability for Norwegian Conditions
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The vast majority of fire-related deaths occur in residential buildings. Until recently, the fire risk for these buildings was only considered through static risk assessments or period-based assessments applying to certain ... -
Collecting, Analysing, and Presenting Reliability Data for Automatic Sprinkler Systems
(Master thesis, 2018)Much work has gone into studying the reliability of sprinkler systems, but there are large level differences between the studies. For example, a recent study in the United States (National Fire Protection association ... -
Computational modelling of enclosure fires with exposed timber surfaces
(Master thesis, 2023)In an era where sustainable materials like timber are becoming more prevalent in building design and construction, it's crucial to understand and accurately model the behavior of structure fires involving these materials ... -
The concept of learning in virtual reality in the context of tunnel fire evacuation knowledge
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)This paper aims to explore how and what kind of learning is emphasized in the use of virtual reality to develop fire evacuation knowledge among participants. Experiences from several large tunnel fires in Norway highlight ... -
Conflicted transitions: Exploring the actors, tactics, and outcomes of social opposition against energy infrastructure
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Given the growing frequency, severity, and salience of social mobilization and community action on energy and climate issues, in this study we systematically explore the configurations of types of infrastructure, actors, ... -
Consumer GradeWeather Stations for Wooden Structure Fire Risk Assessment
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018) -
The contribution of functional HNF1A variants and polygenic susceptibility to risk of type 2 diabetes in ancestrally diverse populations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Aims/hypothesis We examined the contribution of rare HNF1A variants to type 2 diabetes risk and age of diagnosis, and the extent to which their impact is affected by overall genetic susceptibility, across three ancestry ... -
Cooling efficiency of water droplets impinging on a hot stainless steel surface
(Master thesis, 2018)The behavior of water droplets applied to hot metal surfaces depends strongly on the metal surface temperature. Four distinct boiling regimes, film evaporation, nuclear boiling, transition boiling and film boiling are ... -
Curcumin og ioniske væsker for utvikling av anti-cancer legemiddel
(Bachelor thesis, 2020) -
Dagens status for distriktsvise brannetterforskningsgrupper
(Bachelor thesis, 2019) -
Databasert rapporteringssystem for HMS og kvalitet i Haugesund kommune
(Bachelor thesis, 2004)Rapportering av uønskede hendelser og avvik er en viktig del for virksomheter som vil fokusere på HMS og kvalitet. Ved å rapportere, behandle og rette opp avvik og uønskede hendelser vil man oppnå kontinuitet i ... -
Den tredje lærer Fysisk
(Bachelor thesis, 2010)Det fysiske læringsmiljøet er definert som de fysiske omgivelser og belastninger undervisningssituasjonen som kan påvirke den enkelte students evne og mulighet til læring. Oppgaven vår gikk ut på å kartlegge det fysiske ... -
Design av heisarrangement for vedlikehold av vannfilter
(Bachelor thesis, 2016-06-15)Denne bacheloroppgaven omhandler designing samt beregning av et heisarrangement for vedlikehold vannfilter. Oppgaven er gitt av FMC Biopolymer AS sin avdeling på Vormedal. Heisarrangementet skal benyttes av bedriften ... -
Design av maskineringsverktøy for bearbeiding av rørender
(Bachelor thesis, 2010)I forbindelse med utvikling av en ny metode for fjernstyrt reparasjon av store undervannsrørledninger er det behov for et maskineringsverktøy for avfasing av rørkanten. Imenco AS har gitt problemstillingen for denne ... -
Design av ROV-vennlig kutteverktøy
(Bachelor thesis, 2010)Ved fjerningsprosjekter kan det være ønskelig å ha tilgjengelig et ROV-basert kutteverktøy som raskt kan kutte små rør, uten at det binder opp noen av fartøyets kraner. Oppgaven tar sikte på å finne en kuttemetode som egner ...