Browsing Mohnsenteret for innovasjon og regional utvikling by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 125
Innovasjon: Ei kortfatta innføring i sentrale begrep og tenkemåtar
(Research report, 2016)‘Innovasjon’ gir utan tvil ei rekke assosiasjonar for dei aller fleste, noko som også kan vere ei utfordring. Kva er eigentleg innovasjon? Korleis ‘skjer’ innovasjon? Og korleis bør innovasjonar skje? Kan ein legge til ... -
Complex spaces: global innovation networks & territorial innovation systems in information & communication technologies
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This paper brings together two related bodies of theory that assist understanding of processes of socio-technical system change on the global scale. These are, first, the Global Value Chain perspective (GVC) that has now ... -
A ground-up “Quaternary” innovation strategy for South Korea using entrepreneurial ecosystem platforms
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This paper offers an account of the recent economic slowdown in the growth trajectory formerly enjoyed by South Korea as one of the first “Asian Tigers”. Indicators are provided that, unlike the others, Hong Kong, Singapore ... -
Exploring students' entrepreneurial identity matching through cross-cultural learning :
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Entrepreneurship education programs have shown to be powerful identity workspaces, where students, through real-life practice, make sense of who they can be as entrepreneurs. Through identity matching, they personalize ... -
Understanding the evolution of the entrepreneurial university. The case of English Higher Education institutions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)There has been strong policy interest in universities becoming more entrepreneurial and engaging in knowledge exchange activities as part of an expanding third mission agenda. However, our understanding of the evolution ... -
Criminal justice and detention
(Chapter; Peer reviewed; Peer reviewed, 2019)This chapter evaluates the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (Articles Art. 37 and 40) in the policy and practice of detention of children within the Norwegian criminal justice system. It covers ... -
Exploring the normative turn in regional innovation policy: responsibility and the quest for public value
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The perceived ineffectiveness of traditional innovation policies in solving societal challenges such as poverty, ageing, climate change as well as problems of regional economic restructuring has motivated a recent ‘normative ... -
Nine Rules of Engagement: Reflections on Reflexivity
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Wishing to be reflexive, to critically examine our assumptions, is easy. Doing it is less so. For researchers doing a study in their own professional field, it represents a particular challenge. In this essay, I explore ... -
Interfirm resource integration in destination contexts
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)In a co-producing tourism destination context, interdependent firms providing the destination product need to coordinate their relationships to achieve resource integration. We focus on two key dimensions of resource ... -
Norwegian farmers’ willingness to participate in a local climate crowdfunding program - results from a national survey
(Rapport Norsk senter for bygdeforskning;, Research report, 2019)This report presents a main deliverable of work package 3 in the Coolcrowd project, an international research project funded by the Research Council of Norway. The aim of the project is to develop a crowdfunding program ... -
Hvordan kan tjenesteytere bidra til å bygge ned funksjonshemmende barrierer?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Alle som yter helse-, omsorgs- eller velferdstjenester, vil kunne møte pasienter og tjenestebrukere med funksjonsnedsettelse. Som regel vil tjenesteytere være tilknyttet virksomheter som er pålagt å arbeide for å fremme ... -
Gigafactory logistics in space and time: Tesla's fourth gigafactory and its rivals
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This paper concerns the spatial structure of Tesla’s four ‘gigafactories’ (‘giga’ is gigawatt hour, GWh) which are located in Tesla’s first Gigafacility (1) at Sparks, near Reno, Nevada; the Solar City Gigafactory (2) at ... -
The relationship between entrepreneurial experience and preferred learning styles
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Purpose Entrepreneurship is a process of learning. The entrepreneurial learning process incorporates a cumulative series of multifaceted entrepreneurial experiences, which generally involve the development of new insights ... -
Has the popularity of battery electric vehicles in Norway affected total new car sales? A synthetic control method study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) have gained popularity in Norway, chiefly due to generous tax incentives. Using the synthetic control method, we study if BEVs’ popularity has complemented or substituted for conventional ... -
Understanding how city networks are leveraging climate action: experimentation through C40
(Journal article, 2020)Climate change is one of the most challenging environmental and social problems for contemporary urban planning. In response to this phenomenon, city networks have emerged as new configurations of urban climate governance ... -
Self‐tracking in effortful activities: Gender differences in consumers' task experience
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Despite the increasing use of self‐tracking technologies, surprisingly little empirical research has examined the effect of self‐tracking in effortful activities on consumers' task experience. Accordingly, the present ... -
Place-Based Directionality of Innovation: Tasmanian Salmon Farming and Responsible Innovation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The aim of this paper has been to explore, in depth, the place-based conditions enabling and constraining the directionality of responsible innovation in the Tasmanian salmon farming industry, and to discuss how this case ... -
Editorial: Advancing crowdfunding research: new insights and future research agenda
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Purpose – The editorial introduces the papers included in the special issue by highlighting their contributions to advancing crowdfunding research and identifying remaining gaps to be addressed in future research. ... -
Climate change and winter road maintenance
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The objective of the article is to analyse the impact of short- and long-term climate variations on the costs of removing snow and ice from the roads in Bergen—the second most populous city in Norway. The analysis applies ... -
Sustainable crowdfunding: insights from the project perspective
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Purpose This paper explores the peculiarities of sustainable crowdfunding from the project perspective. The research question is: what are the distinctive features of sustainable crowdfunding, in terms of crowdfunding ...