Mohnsenteret for innovasjon og regional utvikling
Recent Submissions
What drives crowdfunding intentions of artist-entrepreneurs? – Evidence from Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Crowdfunding has been proclaimed as a new fundraising channel offering multiple benefits to artist-entrepreneurs, yet its use has been surprisingly underwhelming. The study examines the determinants of artist-entrepreneurs’ ... -
Questionable relations: On aggressive financialised ‘assemblages’ in creative and ecologically-challenged space-economies
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In this contribution, the interest is in three things, arising from a project on ‘dark’ F-KIBS clusters. This has already resulted in critical papers on management consultancy and accounting ‘assemblages’ in which such ... -
Situating knowledge combinations beyond the factory gate: Examples from two innovation projects in rural Norway
(Journal article, 2024)Evolutionary economic geography considers knowledge combinations as key for explaining innovation and regional industrial development. Building on the thesis that knowledge is beneficially combined across adjacent industries, ... -
Transition to green steel in maritime industry: A case study of Palfinger Marine Norway
(Master thesis, 2024)The transition from traditional black steel to green steel is a critical challenge and opportunity for the maritime industry. This thesis investigates how Palfinger Marine Norway can effectively adopt green steel in their ... -
Intersektorielt samarbeid: En studie av helseinnovasjonsøkosystemet i Bergen
(Master thesis, 2024)Helsevesenet er under økende press og kommer til å stå ovenfor nye og uforutsette utfordringer i årene som kommer. Dette krever nye løsninger - altså innovasjon – men kanskje også nye måter å innovere på. Slik innovasjon ... -
Arbeiderdrevet innovasjon i gig-økonomien: En modell for bærekraftige og etiske praksiser
(Master thesis, 2024)The gig economy, characterized by flexible work through digital platforms, has grown rapidly, creating unique challenges and opportunities for sustainable and ethical practices. This thesis, "Worker-Driven Innovation in ... -
Leveraging the potential: How founders are adopting generative AI for entrepreneurial tasks
(Master thesis, 2024)Generative AI applications (GenAI) has the potential to benefit early-phase ventures by lowering costs and time spent solving tasks. Despite its growing prominence, there's a gap in understanding how founders adopt and ... -
Det grønne skiftet i bygg- og anleggsbransjen: klimagassberegninger som styringsverktøy og innovasjon som konkurransefortrinn
(Master thesis, 2024)Bygg- og anleggsbransjen er kjent som 40% bransjen, da den står for 40% av energiforbruket, materialressurser og totalt utslipp globalt. Å redusere utslippene tilhørende bransjen, er et av tiltakene som kreves når det ... -
På hvilken måte kan innovasjon bidra til å oppnå en bærekraftig energieffektivisering av eksisterende bygningsmasse?
(Master thesis, 2024)Temaet for denne masteroppgaven er å utforske hvordan innovasjon kan bidra til å oppnå en bærekraftig energieffektivisering av eksisterende bygningsmasse, og hvordan innovasjon spiller en sentral rolle i å forme en mer ... -
Green and innovative public procurement for accelerating the sustainable transition on a municipal level
(Master thesis, 2024)Despite the importance of public procurement in the European Union and Norway's international policy agenda as a strategic tool to encourage innovation and achieve environmental goals, it ignores the role of public procurement ... -
Investigating female entrepreneurs in STEM: Experiences of risk related to venture creation and the process to access early-stage capital
(Master thesis, 2024)This study examines how female entrepreneurs navigate risk through different phases of the business cycle, with a particular focus on the relationship between risk-taking and entrepreneurial success. Women often face ... -
Eco-innovation at the firm-level in Norway: Drivers and implications
(Doctoral thesis, 2024)The aim of this thesis is to deploy two key concepts within the theory on the resourcebased view of the firm—the resources and dynamic capabilities aspects—to study not only the antecedents of eco-innovation at the firm ... -
Exploring the pathway of academic entrepreneurs: The case of Stellenbosch University
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: Universities globally face challenges of becoming entrepreneurial, delivering third mission activities, including the support of academic entrepreneurship. Abundant research exists on academic entrepreneurs in ... -
The dark side of KIBS agency, the creative economy, and regional sustainability
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This contribution develops critique from analysing forms of misconduct by knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) firms, especially the largest, globally located and client-interactive on all five continents. Management ... -
Beyond the Smart or Resilient City: In Search of Sustainability in the Sojan Thirdspace †
(Journal article, 2023)This paper seeks to explore some of the issues to be welcomed but also warned against in general and’ also specified from an illustrative sample of ‘smart’ projects that caused outcomes that were neither ‘smart’ nor ... -
What Predicts Long-Term Absenteeism, and Who Disappears from the Workforce When Enterprises Downsize?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This paper primarily studies how wages predict long-term absenteeism in enterprises. In addition, it studies who disappears from the workforce when downsizing. Analyzing Norwegian enterprise data using dynamic unconditional ... -
Sustainable entrepreneurship, identity and context: A comparison of Norway and South Africa
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: To reach a more sustainable future, sustainable entrepreneurship is proposed to play a critical role. To understand why sustainable entrepreneurs engage in a sustainable venture process, we need to understand ... -
The role of investors in developing academic spin offs: The biotech sector in South Africa
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: While research on commercialisation of academic research suggests that close interaction among academic entrepreneurs, technology transfer officers and investors can aid developing academic spin-offs, we argue ... -
Barnehagelærere med ny identitet - Ikke lenger profesjonsnomader?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)When professionals leave the profession for which they were trained, it is reasonable to assume that society has a challenge. Important theoretical and practical expertise and knowledge leave the sector. Often, escape ... -
Rogue auditors: dark motivations of the Big 4 accountants in regional sustainability and the creative economy
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This contribution develops previous work analysing forms of misconduct by knowledge-intensive professional business services (P-KIBS) firms, globally located and client-interactive on all five continents. Here we focus on ...