Browsing Mohnsenteret for innovasjon og regional utvikling by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 125
A ground-up “Quaternary” innovation strategy for South Korea using entrepreneurial ecosystem platforms
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This paper offers an account of the recent economic slowdown in the growth trajectory formerly enjoyed by South Korea as one of the first “Asian Tigers”. Indicators are provided that, unlike the others, Hong Kong, Singapore ... -
After the Contagion. Ghost City Centres: Closed “Smart” or Open Greener?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This paper has three main objectives. It traces the “closed” urban model of city development, critiques it at length, showing how it has led to an unsustainable dead-end, represented in post-Covid-19 “ghost town” status ... -
Agency–context interaction in industrial path development – a multidimensional approach
(Doctoral thesis, 2022)This dissertation investigates agency in industry path development, and how it interacts with context. A multidimensional approach to agency–context interaction is developed and used to understand both the ability of people ... -
Aktørers påvirkning av en bærekraftig regional stiutvikling: En casestudie av initiativer for CCUS og CNF i Mosjøen.
(Master thesis, 2022)Det grønne skiftet Norge gjennomgår er en del av EUs «European Green Deal» initiativ og har et mål om at Europa skal bli det første klimanøytrale kontinentet innen 2050. Initiativet har rot i verdens klimakrise og har med ... -
Arbeiderdrevet innovasjon i gig-økonomien: En modell for bærekraftige og etiske praksiser
(Master thesis, 2024)The gig economy, characterized by flexible work through digital platforms, has grown rapidly, creating unique challenges and opportunities for sustainable and ethical practices. This thesis, "Worker-Driven Innovation in ... -
Are rapid and inclusive energy and climate transitions oxymorons? Towards principles of responsible acceleration
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Building from two strands of literature within “Sociotechnical agendas: Reviewing future directions for energy and climate research”, this perspective piece seeks to open a discussion about how to responsibly accelerate ... -
Barnehagelærere med ny identitet - Ikke lenger profesjonsnomader?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)When professionals leave the profession for which they were trained, it is reasonable to assume that society has a challenge. Important theoretical and practical expertise and knowledge leave the sector. Often, escape ... -
Batteri i fremtiden
(Master thesis, 2021)Verden har i dag store utfordringer med utslipp av menneskeskapte klimagasser som hovedsakelig skyldes forbrenning av fossile brensler (Store Norsk Leksikon, 2019). Det er fokus på det grønne skiftet i Norge og resten ... -
Batteriteknologi i prosjekt og kontekst: En casestudie av hybridiseringen av en brønnbåt
(Master thesis, 2022)Verden er i endring som følge av klimakrisen. Sjøfarten står for en betydelig andel av klimautslippene og er under stort press for å redusere dette. Norge har ledet an i utvikling og bruk av maritim batteriteknologi som ... -
Beyond automobility? Lock-in of past failures in low-carbon urban mobility innovations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Automobility, including the infrastructures, technologies and institutions that created high dependence on private car use, has led to significant environmental and climate problems and notably high carbon emissions. Now ... -
Beyond the Smart or Resilient City: In Search of Sustainability in the Sojan Thirdspace †
(Journal article, 2023)This paper seeks to explore some of the issues to be welcomed but also warned against in general and’ also specified from an illustrative sample of ‘smart’ projects that caused outcomes that were neither ‘smart’ nor ... -
Business incubator management and entrepreneur collaboration with R&D milieus: Does the regional context matter?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)We study whether business incubator management collaboration with R&D milieus affects incubated entrepreneurs to also collaborate with R&D milieus in different regional contexts. Empirically, we analyse 281 Norwegian ... -
Bærekraftig entreprenørskap og inkubasjon: En studie av oppstartsselskaper og inkubatorer på Vestland sitt arbeid med bærekraft
(Master thesis, 2022)Verden i dag står ovenfor en grønn omstillings som følge av klimakrisen. Med FNs bærekraftsmål og Vestland sitt mål om å bli utslippsfri innen 2030, så finnes det ingen bedre tid enn nå for det entreprenørielle økosystemet ... -
Callous Optimism: On Some Wishful Thinking ‘Blowbacks’ Undermining SDG Spatial Policy
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Established students and studies of sustainable urban planning and broader regional varieties of spatial evolution have been seized with ambitions to ‘make the world a better place’. To criticise that ambition would be ... -
Change agency and reproductive agency in the course of industrial path evolution
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The literature integrating an agency perspective with evolutionary economic geography (EEG) has tended to focus on change agency. This paper introduces a distinction between change agency and reproductive agency. The ... -
Climate change and winter road maintenance
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The objective of the article is to analyse the impact of short- and long-term climate variations on the costs of removing snow and ice from the roads in Bergen—the second most populous city in Norway. The analysis applies ... -
The combined effect of success factors in crowdfunding of Cleantech projects
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Cleantech projects can significantly contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions globally. However, they often lack investments from the conventional finance sector. Crowdfunding represents an alternative for ... -
Comparing B2B Sharing Economy Models in Norway and South Africa: Role and interactions with the regional entrepreneurial ecosystem
(Master thesis, 2022)In recent years one has seen the rise of sharing economy models in the peer-to-peer market with platforms like Airbnb and Uber. However, in the business-to-business market the concept has not achieved a good foothold yet. ... -
Complex spaces: global innovation networks & territorial innovation systems in information & communication technologies
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This paper brings together two related bodies of theory that assist understanding of processes of socio-technical system change on the global scale. These are, first, the Global Value Chain perspective (GVC) that has now ... -
Creatively transforming periphery? Artists’ initiatives, social innovation, and responsibility for place
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Creativity and geography have received little attention in the literature on responsible innovation. To address these shortcomings, the article places responsible innovation explicitly in a territorial and non-technocentric ...