Now showing items 54-73 of 114

    • Innovasjon: Ei kortfatta innføring i sentrale begrep og tenkemåtar 

      Njøs, Rune; Sjøtun, Svein Gunnar (Research report, 2016)
      ‘Innovasjon’ gir utan tvil ei rekke assosiasjonar for dei aller fleste, noko som også kan vere ei utfordring. Kva er eigentleg innovasjon? Korleis ‘skjer’ innovasjon? Og korleis bør innovasjonar skje? Kan ein legge til ...
    • Institutional work, regional key actors, and green industrial restructuring 

      Fløysand, Arnt; Sjøtun, Svein Gunnar; Jakobsen, Stig Erik; Njøs, Rune; Tvedt, Helge Lea; Gjelsvik, Martin; Aarstad, Jarle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Departing from evolutionary economic geography, the objective of the article is to reveal the dynamics of institutional work by regional key actors with a need to achieve green restructuring in regions dependent on the oil ...
    • Interfirm resource integration in destination contexts 

      Ness, Håvard; Haugland, Sven Arne; Aarstad, Jarle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      In a co-producing tourism destination context, interdependent firms providing the destination product need to coordinate their relationships to achieve resource integration. We focus on two key dimensions of resource ...
    • Intersectoral Engagements of Doctoral Candidates: Regime Discrepancy Between Academic Territories 

      Moghadam Saman, Saeed (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The paper aims to analyse whether and to what extent collaborations of doctoral researchers with the non-academic sectors is determined by their disciplinary affiliation. For this purpose, the paper uses data collected ...
    • Is Industry Size a Carrier for Wage Inequality? A Panel Study Addressing Independent Variables of Inherently Different Sizes across Units 

      Aarstad, Jarle; Kvitastein, Olav Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      We address how independent variables of inherently different sizes across units, e.g., small vs. large industries, in panel regression is an advantage interpretively. Analyzing a Norwegian industry panel, we find that wage ...
    • Is There a Link between the 2021 COVID-19 Vaccination Uptake in Europe and 2022 Excess All-Cause Mortality? 

      Aarstad, Jarle; Kvitastein, Olav Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Purpose: We primarily study a possible link between 2021 COVID-19 vaccination uptake in Europe and monthly 2022 excess all-cause mortality, that is, mortality higher than before the pandemic. Methods and Results: Analyses ...
    • Kjernekraft, hva stopper oss? Casestudie av kjernekraft i Norge 

      Michel, Christian Sæle (Master thesis, 2023)
      Kjernekraft som energikilde er et svært omdiskutert tema i Norge, Europa og resten av verden. Kjernekraftteknologien som en energikilde blir fremsnakket til å kunne bidra med å sikre en trygg og grønn fremtid nasjonalt ...
    • Klyngeorganisasjoners rolle i utvikling av maritim hydrogenteknologi 

      Skogen, Kristina Storegjerde (Master thesis, 2021)
      Verden står i dag midt i en omstilling som følge av klimakrisen. Det er for tiden et stort fokus på utvikling av grønne løsninger i mange ulike sektorer, og flere miljøvennlige teknologier har kommet på banen de siste ...
    • Kvinnelige gründere i teknologibransjen. Utfordringer, erfaringer og refleksjoner 

      Moum, Lisa Simone (Master thesis, 2021)
      Nyere forskning viser at det i dag er en vesentlig forskjell i hvor mye som er investert i bedrifter startet av menn i forhold til bedrifter startet av kvinner. Undersøkelser oppgir at rundt en tredjedel av nye bedrifter ...
    • Learning to not belong: entrepreneurial learning experiences of women high-tech entrepreneurs 

      Kubberød, Elin; Jones, Sally; Pettersen, Inger Beate (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Purpose The influence of gender on high-tech entrepreneurship is of growing interest worldwide, as scholars argue that women face gendered barriers specific to this field. Although some gender-focussed research exists on ...
    • The lithium wars: From kokkola to the congo for the 500 mile battery 

      Cooke, Philip (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      This paper presents an analysis and interpretation of the current state of play in the global value network of minerals mining, refining and transformation processes in the contemporary battery industry, which will power ...
    • Livet etter det norske klyngeprogrammet 

      Daltveit, Thea; Gjertsen, Anja (Master thesis, 2023)
      GCE Ocean Technology er i dag en av tre klynger med GCE-status, global center of expertise, i det norske klyngeprogrammet Norwegian Innovation Clusters. Klyngen ble etablert i Bergen, i 2006, og fremmer industri innen ...
    • Maritime batterisystemer og regional sirkulær stiutvikling på Vestlandet? 

      Bakken, Kjetil; Kolbeinsvik, Julie (Master thesis, 2023)
      Som et resultat av den globale oppvarmingen har Parisavtalen medført ulike incentiver for å redusere CO2 utslipp (Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center, 2022). Det anslås at rundt 90% av global handel skjer via sjøveien. Med en ...
    • Media Discourse on Sustainable Consumption in Europe 

      Diaconeasa, Maria-Claudia; Popescu, Gabriel; Mæhle, Natalia; Nelgen, Signe; Capitello, Roberta (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Given the importance of mass media in forming consumer attitudes, exploring the main trends in the media discourse on sustainability is of great interest to businesses, policymakers and researchers. This study investigates ...
    • Microalgae-Based Food: Purchase Intentions and Willingness to Pay 

      Mæhle, Natalia; Skjeret, Frode Andre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Consumer acceptance is pivotal for the success of new foods, and it is therefore necessary to understand the determinants influencing consumers’ behaviour for microalgae-based food. The current study explores the influence ...
    • Miljørapportering i oppdrettsforetak: Fast i fisken? 

      Fallan, Even; Granrud, Hans Roger; Litlabø, Eva Annette; Rønning, John Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Dette er en studie av miljørapporteringspraksis for en stor andel av norske lakseoppdrettsforetak. Data om miljørapportering i årsberetningen for 2019 og annen informasjon som årsberetningen henviser til, er studert ved ...
    • Nine Rules of Engagement: Reflections on Reflexivity 

      Owren, Thomas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Wishing to be reflexive, to critically examine our assumptions, is easy. Doing it is less so. For researchers doing a study in their own professional field, it represents a particular challenge. In this essay, I explore ...
    • Norwegian Aquaculture Firms’ Emphasis on Environmental and Social Sustainability Compared to Firms in Other Industries 

      Aarstad, Jarle; Jakobsen, Stig Erik; Fløysand, Arnt (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Background: There has been a strong focus on environmental sustainability in the aquaculture industry, but we do not know how firms in this industry emphasize the issue compared to firms in other industries. Methods: ...
    • Norwegian farmers’ willingness to participate in a local climate crowdfunding program - results from a national survey 

      Otte, Pia; Zahl-Thanem, Alexander; Hansen, Sissel; Mæhle, Natalia (Rapport Norsk senter for bygdeforskning;, Research report, 2019)
      This report presents a main deliverable of work package 3 in the Coolcrowd project, an international research project funded by the Research Council of Norway. The aim of the project is to develop a crowdfunding program ...
    • Norwegian Firms’ Green and New Industry Strategies: A Dual Challenge 

      Aarstad, Jarle; Jakobsen, Stig Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Today, there is strong pressure for firms, in Norway and abroad, to adopt green or sustainable strategies. Furthermore, many Norwegian firms, directly or indirectly dependent on the dominating but declining petroleum sector, ...