Browsing Institutt for maritime studier by Title
Now showing items 131-150 of 200
Passasjersikkerhet i polare farvann
(Bachelor thesis, 2020) -
Pilotage methods
(Master thesis, 2021)Since the first regulations on pilotage there have been an evolution in shipping. New pilotage methods have been to obtain the regulations on pilotage. The classic pilotage method is seen as the original method, whilst ... -
Pirater - ett farthinder för sjöfarten
(Bachelor thesis, 2014-07-16)Denna studie "Pirater - ett farthinder för sjöfarten" behandlar temat pirater i högriskområdet Adenviken. Studiens har arbetat utifrån frågeställningen. Varför har piratverksamheten minskat vid HRA-området Adenviken? Studien ... -
Polar Ship Design and Operations: Past, Present, and Future
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022)From an early emphasis on geographic exploration and exploitation of the resources in the polar offshore area (by hunting for walrus ivory teeth, seals, and whales), the focus is currently shifting toward the sustainable ... -
Preparatory Education of Crews and Passengers for evacuation in Cold Climate (Arctic and Antarctic)
(Master thesis, 2020)Due to the ongoing climate change, melting ice has opened the door for increased cruise traffic in the polar regions. In the past decades, we have seen a prolific increase in Polar Cruise Tourism, and thereby, more humans ... -
Problemer og utfordringer knyttet til bruk av ballastvann
(Bachelor thesis, 2010)Oppgaven Problemer og utfordringer knyttet til bruk av ballastvann, er skrevet ut fra følgende problemstilling: Hvilke konsekvenser kan utslipp av ubehandlet ballastvann medføre, og hva gjøres for å begrense/forhindre ... -
(Research report, 2017)Markom2020 initiated this project in November 2016. Markom2020 is a government-funded project comprising the four Nautical Sciences Colleges/Universities in Norway. The objective of Markom2020 is to raise the overall quality ... -
Prosedyrar og sjekklister om bord på norske brønn- og fôrbåtar
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)Denne oppgåva tar for seg følgande problemstilling: "Korleis er prosedyrar og sjekklister på norske brønn- og fôrbåtar føremålstenlege for ein trygg framkomst til oppdrettsanlegg?" Norske brønn- og fôrbåtar har i takt ... -
Prosedyrer og sjekklister ombord på norske forsyningsfartøy
(Bachelor thesis, 2016-06-14)I denne oppgaven har vi fokusert på prosedyrer og sjekklister innen den norske offshorenæringen, og har valgt tema: Prosedyrer og sjekklister ombord på norske forsyningsfartøy Vi kom derfra frem til problemstillingen: Hvordan ... -
Quantifying human performance for simulation of passenger ship evacuation in polar climate
(Doctoral thesis, 2023)The evacuation of passenger ships is always a difficult process, and the availability of time to evacuate is the most critical factor for a safe evacuation of the passengers. Indeed, the cold environment of the polar regions ... -
RCM based Framework for Maintenance Strategy for more efficient, reliable, and effective Crane Operations
(Master thesis, 2019)The Maritime Industry is a vast, complex, and still growing business in the world. Although the focus of the Maritime sector has been very much towards digitalization and de/carbonization, old issues such as maintenance ... -
Realizing Digital Transformation in Vessel Management
(Master thesis, 2022)Digital Transformation is a phenomenon being witnessed across all industries. The disruption caused by the adoption of digital technologies is having wide ranging impact on organizational structures and work cultures. It ... -
Recent Norwegian Research Relevant to Evacuation, Search and Rescue under Arctic Condition
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Marine traffic is increasing in the Arctic Region. As ice in the Arctic Region retracts, opportunities for the marine industry increase. This relates to the fishing industry, which is moving further into the Arctic Seas, ... -
Rederienes holdninger til miljø
(Bachelor thesis, 2009)Denne oppgaven går ut på å finne hvilke holdninger rederiene har til miljø, da med tanke på hvorfor de velger å bruke penger på miljøforebyggende tiltak. Tiltak for å redusere utslipp av farlige gasser, behandling av ... -
Redningsberedskapens utfordringer
(Bachelor thesis, 2014-07-16)Vi har undersøkt hvilke utfordringer den offentlige beredskapen møter på ved en eventuell grunnstøting av et cruiseskip i farvannet rundt Svalbard. De siste tiårene har cruisetrafikken økt, og flere av skipene har over ... -
Registreringsboken for dekkskadetter og matroslærlinger
(Bachelor thesis, 2012-08-22)Tittel for oppgave var ”Registreringsboken for dekkskadetter og matroslærlinger.” Problemstillingene var: 1. ”Hvordan er oppfatningen av Registreringsboken for Dekkskadetter og Matroslærlinger (RDM) i det praktiske liv ... -
Relation analysis of ship speed & environmental conditions: Can historic AIS data form a baseline for autonomous determination of safe speed?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)As no internationally agreed-upon method for determining safe speed values currently exists, collecting vast amounts of information on conventional ship behaviour could be used to train autonomous ship intelligence in ... -
Relevance of Philosophical Approach to Values in Social Science to Maritime Research
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The origin of maritime research lies in a multi-disciplinary approach. The philosophical grounding for academic research inherently shapes the methodological approach, data collection methods adopted, and analysis techniques ... -
Rettslige rammer for gjenvinning av skip
(Bachelor thesis, 2021) -
Revisiting Unsinkable Ships: From Titanic to Helge Ingstad, the Long-Standing Issues and Persistent Risks of Ship Disasters
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The objective of this paper is to take a closer look at the theory of damage stability, i.e., origin, construction, organization and human developments, regulations, and in this context pinpoint a possible causal relationship ...