Browsing Institutt for maritime studier by Title
Now showing items 28-47 of 200
Casestudie: Rotorseil – Redusering av drivstofforbruk
(Bachelor thesis, 2024) -
Cessation work for deep water pipelines
(Master thesis, 2022)The oil and gas fields on the Norwegian Continental shelf are getting older and older. Several oil and gas installations will have lasted their lifetime in the next few years. Some rigs have already been taken out of ... -
Choice of fuel system for the offshore support fleet
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The stringent requirements of the IMO's emission regulations call for alternative fuels and new ways of powering ships. However, the IMO predicts that technology which could reduce ship emission to zero, will either not ... -
Closed loop kommunikasjon i broteam
(Bachelor thesis, 2015-07-30)I denne oppgaven har vi tatt utgangspunkt i følgende problemstilling: «Vi ønsker å utforske hvilken rolle kommunikasjonsformen CLC spiller i et broteam under en operasjon». Vi lever i en tid hvor den teknologiske utviklingen ... -
The contribution of Vessel Traffic Services to safe coexistence between automated and conventional vessels
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The maritime industry could face major changes the coming decade. Technology development opens for new ways of operating vessels and autonomy is argued to revolutionise design and operations. However, despite a large focus ... -
Cutting tools/-methods for potential use during decommissioning and dismantling of offshore wind parks
(Master thesis, 2019)The first offshore wind turbine park was built in the nineties and the first was decommissioned in 2001. Since the nineties, the building of offshore wind turbine park has developed to a mature industry, decommissioning ... -
Dagens bruk av manuelle navigasjonsmetoder
(Bachelor thesis, 2019) -
Den maritime næringens tilnærminger til design av CO2-skip
(Bachelor thesis, 2011)Problemstillingen for denne oppgaven var ”Hvilke tilnærminger har den maritime næringen til design av CO2-skip?”. For å finne svar på dette ble rapporter analysert og sammenlignet. Skip kan brukes til frakt av CO2 fra ... -
Den norske lostjenesten
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)Vi har basert denne oppgave på følgende problemstilling; ”Hvordan opplever offiserene og losen samarbeidet på bro? Indikerer denne opplevelsen at det foreligger et effektivt samarbeid mellom offiserene og losen?” Samarbeid ... -
Den norske sjømann
(Bachelor thesis, 2011)Denne bacheloroppgaven omhandler temaet ”Den norske sjømann”, med problemstillingen: ”Hva er hovedårsaken til at norske sjøfolk går i land, og hva får dem til å fortsette en karriere på båt?” Målet med denne oppgaven var ... -
Design loads for marine facilities
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)For design of marine facilities, a design basis is needed. This design basis will include selection of safety level and codes to be used during the design process. The design basis will include all aspects necessary to ... -
Det Norske Veritas Seaskill’s ”Dynamic Positioning Operator Certificate”
(Bachelor thesis, 2014-06-03)Arbetet har som uppgift att belysa problemställningen ”Hur har DNV seaskills planeringsprocess och implementering sett ut, vid införandet av ett nytt certifieringssystem: Dynamic Positioning Operator Certificate?” Probl ... -
Developing user-centred interfaces for marine navigation systems – The S-mode odyssey
(Doctoral thesis, 2022)Human factors, also known as ergonomics, is an area not properly considered when designing shipboard navigation equipment. This shortcoming results in some design issues which pose a risk to safe and efficient maritime ... -
Dieselelektrisk fremdrift
(Bachelor thesis, 2018) -
Effectiveness of the Polar Code Training of Cruise Liner Crew for Evacuation in the Arctic and Antarctic
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)In the past decades, we have seen a prolific increase in Polar Cruise Tourism, and thereby, more humans are able to visit the Polar Regions. As a result of this, the IMO implemented the Polar Code in 2017 to better prepare ... -
Ein studie av røykdykkarflasker
(Bachelor thesis, 2015-07-30)Denne oppgåva tar utgangspunkt i problemstillinga: ”Vil type pressluftflaske påverke forbruket av pusteluft?” Det nyttast to typar pressluftflasker om bord på skip i dag. Stålflasker og komposittflasker. Vektforskjellen ... -
En litteraturstudie av utfordringer knyttet til ubemannede skip, med fokus på utkikk og ansvar
(Bachelor thesis, 2019) -
En studie av noen aspekter knyttet til design og drift av Service Operation Vessels
(Bachelor thesis, 2024) -
En undersøkelse av utfordringer knyttet til brovakthold på autonome skip
(Bachelor thesis, 2023) -
Ensuring the Quality of ISM Audits - The Role and Adequacy of the Legal Framework of Auditing
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Maritime safety and thus ISM (International Safety Management Code)-audits are directly or indirectly regulated by a host of regulatory instruments. These regulations set the standards for verification, certification, and ...