Browsing Fakultet for økonomi og samfunnsvitskap / Faculty of Business Administration and Social Sciences by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 1628
2:4 avlösningssystem ombord på norska försyningsfartyg
(Bachelor thesis, 2014-07-16)Denna uppgift har som föremål att belysa en aktuell problemställning. ”Vilka fördelar och olämpligheter menar den maritima näringen att ett 2:4 avlösningssystem skulle kunna medföra för den norska försyningsverksamheten?”. ... -
373 år gammel bedrift er Norges mest innovative. Hva kan dette skyldes?
(Bachelor thesis, 2020) -
8-13 - ein idé om organisering
(Master thesis, 2015) -
A case study of Flettner rotors on a fjord crossing ferry in Norway
(Bachelor thesis, 2019) -
A Conceptual Framework of Festival Visitors’ Behavioral Intentions.
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)The purpose of this article is to develop a conceptual framework to determine the factors influencing visitors’ behavioral intention to attend festivals and events. The theoretical framework focuses on the relationship ... -
A Fourteen Year Follow-Up Study of Health Promoting Schools in Norway: Principals` Perceptions of Conditions Influencing Sustainability
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2009)In this study, we examined the sustainability of health-promoting practices in Norwegian schools that were enrolled in the European Network of Health-Promoting Schools from 1993 to 2003. The research questions were: How ... -
A Theoretical Positioning of Self and Social Identities as Antecedents in Cultural Experiential Tourism
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Museums are often regarded as a cultural destination, however they stand distinct from other purveyors of culture in that they consciously attempt at a less pronounced social and cognitive dissonance among the audience it ... -
About counselling in teacher training
(Report, 2018) -
Accountability in personalized Supported Employment-based activation services
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This article explores the accountability experiences and orientations of frontline workers implementing personalised activation services in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV). The study draws on observations ... -
Administrativt arbeid og hvordan det oppleves av norske dekksoffiserer
(Bachelor thesis, 2018) -
Adventure tourism: Exploring relations between knowledge and innovation
(Doctoral thesis, 2014-08-08)In a rapidly changing tourism industry, the international competition is strong and the well-travelled tourists have high expectations. This has led to an increasing emphasis on the development of new services and ... -
Adverse events reporting by obstetric units in Norway as part of their quality assurance and patient safety work: an analysis of practice
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background The Norwegian Board of Health Supervision aims to contribute to the improvement of quality and patient safety in the healthcare services. Planned audits were performed to investigate how 12 selected Norwegian ... -
An Agent-based Approach to Study Spatial Structure Effects on Estimated Distance Deterrence in Commuting
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)We provide an experimental design to study how estimates of the distance deterrence parameter in a standard doubly-constrained gravity model respond to different patterns of spatial structure. The design is defined as an ... -
Agil organisering i prosjekter: En kvalitativ studie av unike agile tilpasninger i team og avdelinger i endring
(Master thesis, 2022)Denne forskningsoppgaven tar for seg hvordan en kompleks virksomhet i endring innenfor forsikringsbransjen implementerer agile metodikker i team og avdelinger. Hovedsakelig ser forskningsprosjektet på innovasjon, med agil ... -
Aktivitetsregnskap og balansert målstyring for Kirkens Bymisjon på Haugalandet
(Bachelor thesis, 2012-08-20)Denne casestudien har hatt som formål å undersøke hvordan Kirkens Bymisjon på Haugalandet kan benytte aktivitetsregnskap og balansert målstyring i økonomistyringen. I oppgaven er det utarbeidet et aktivitetsregnskap for ... -
Alarm Handling Onboard Vessels Operating in DP Mode
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This paper explores concerns regarding the design, implementation, and management of alarms in DP vessels that, while in operation, need an incredibly high level of accuracy along with high reliability and safe operations. ... -
Algoritmer og sensorer som en drone trenger for å delta i AutoDrone 2020
(Bachelor thesis, 2021) -
Alkoholens meningsskapende og kontekstuelle funksjoner blant ungdom med ulik sosial bakgrunn
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)In this thesis I have used two different studies to discuss the relationships between social background and alcohol use among Norwegian adolescents. In the discussion of this relationship, I have used theory based on ...