Browsing Fakultet for økonomi og samfunnsvitskap / Faculty of Business Administration and Social Sciences by Title
Now showing items 1434-1453 of 1622
Team i videregående skole
(Bachelor thesis, 2010)Skolene blir i dag stilt overfor utfordringer som tilpasset opplæring, krav til dokumentasjon av ulike aktiviteter i skolehverdagen og bruk av IKT i klasserommet. Elever, ansatte, næringsliv og politikere stiller krav til ... -
Technical Feasibility of Decomtools Vessel Monopile Extraction System
(Master thesis, 2022)Offshore wind power offers potential as a carbon neutral source of energy generation. For decades now, offshore wind technology has developed steadily, and Europe particularly has accelerated development and construction ... -
Teknologi som sikkerhetsbarriere
(Bachelor thesis, 2016-06-14)Oppgaven vår har en problemstilling som lyder slik; «Hvordan fungerer Triplex MDH som sikkerhetsbarriere om bord på norske ankerhåndteringsfartøy, og hvordan bidrar trening og opplæring til å styrke barrieren?» Ankerh ... -
Teknologidrevet datadeling i oppdrettsnæringen
(Master thesis, 2021)Delingskulturen i oppdrettsnæringen har stått sterkt i en årrekke, noe som kan komme av at aktørene er «bønder i samme åker». Aktørene i næringen er avhengig av å samarbeide og samhandle med hverandre for å lære av hverandres ... -
Teknostress – IT sin mørke side
(Master thesis, 2024)Introduksjonen av IT har ikke bare medført positive sider, det har også ført til mer stress og lavere jobbtilfredshet. Samtidig har IT gjort det enklere for arbeidstakere å jobbe fra hvor som helst og når som helst. Dette ... -
Tema med variasjonar? Kulturskule – eintydig praksis og rettsleg standard?
(Master thesis, 2023)Tema i denne masteroppgåva er opplæringslova § 13-6, lov om musikk- og kulturskule, og korleis kommunane forstår og praktiserer lova. Vidare har studien til formål å svara ut om skildringane av kommunane si forståing og ... -
Tett på kompetansenettverk Ein kvalitativ studie av organisering, leiing og idegrunnlag for kompetansenettverk
(Master thesis, 2019)Samandrag Tett på kompetansenettverk er ein kvalitativ studie av organisering, leiing og idegrunnlag for kompetansenettverk der 12 aktørar knytt til tre ulike kompetansenettverk er intervjua for å få meir kunnskap om ... -
The aesthetics of teamwork and the ability to foresee
(Journal article, 2016) -
The bigger picture has just vanished over the horizon
(Others, 2019) -
The Changing Roles of Academic Leaders: Decision-Making, Power, and Performance
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019)Major reforms in the Nordic countries have increased the formal autonomy of higher education institutions (HEIs) to make decisions over their own activities, both academic core tasks and managerial/administrative activities. ... -
The Income Equalization System among Municipalities in Norway: Strengths and Implications
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Norway is a leading nation pursuing egalitarian public policies. With an aim to smooth out income differences between municipalities and to stabilize individual municipality’s revenue over time, Norway has implemented a ... -
The internationalization of small firms: a cognitive perspective: An empirical assessment of the relationship between decision makers' global mindset and Norwegian small firms' internationalization behaviors
(Doctoral thesis, 2006)Internationalization of firms has been studied from perspectives ranging from resources, entrepreneurship, networking, marketing and strategy to learning. Although the literature does cover small firms (which the EU defines ... -
The Legitimacy of Safety Management Systems in the Minds of Norwegian Seafarers
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015) -
The Modernisation Agenda and University Irresponsibility Repertoires
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019)The recent rise of interest in ideas of the Responsible University needs to be understood as part of a wider rise of interest in responsible behaviour by researchers and innovators, fuelled by a realisation of their powerful ... -
The pluralism of fairness ideals: An experimental approach
(Journal article, 2007)A core question in the contemporary debate on distributive justice is how to understand fairness in situations involving production. Important theories of distributive justice, such as strict egalitarianism, liberal ... -
The Prevalence of Cyberbullying and the Views of 5-12 Grade Pupils and Teachers on Cyberbullying Prevention in Lithuanian Schools
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)This article analyses the views of cyberbullying prevention among 5-12 grade pupils and teachers in Lithuanian schools. It defines the concept of cyberbullying in the context of school pupils, and analyses the theoretical ... -
The public sector’s role in Norwegian network cooperation: triple helix or laissezfaire?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The concept of triple helix (TH) cooperation was introduced about two decades ago, as a method of enhancing innovation and value creation. A good networking practice for knowledge-based development should identify the ... -
The Social Capital Theory in the Light of a Centre-Peripheral Comparison
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)The article examines the relationship between the social capital concept and school dropout rates from a global and multi-level perspective. Are there universal aspects of social capital that can predict dropout probability ...