Browsing Fakultet for økonomi og samfunnsvitskap / Faculty of Business Administration and Social Sciences by Title
Now showing items 266-285 of 1622
(Bachelor thesis, 2014-07-15)Det psykososiale arbeidsmiljøet i offentlig sektor kan påvirkes av mange ulike faktorer, e-postkommunikasjon er en av dem. Vi har begge opplevd at e-post på arbeidsplassen stadig blir mer brukt som kommunikasjonsform mellom ... -
Early diagnosis of sepsis in emergency departments, time to treatment, and association with mortality: An observational study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background Early recognition of sepsis is critical for timely initiation of treatment. The first objective of this study was to assess the timeliness of diagnostic procedures for recognizing sepsis in emergency departments. ... -
Education for Sustainable Development in Norwegian Geography curricula
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)In Norway, environmental education (EE) has been part of schools’ curricula since the 1970s. The concept of education for sustainable development (ESD) was introduced after Agenda 21 was introduced at the UN conference on ... -
Educational and Gender Heterogeneity of the Rural-Urban Earnings Premium: New Evidence from Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)We explore urban earnings premiums for young, native, rural-to-urban movers in Norway. Using an augmented difference-in-differences estimator (DiD-TR) on microdata we challenge previous claims about urban earnings premium's ... -
Effectiveness of the Polar Code Training of Cruise Liner Crew for Evacuation in the Arctic and Antarctic
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)In the past decades, we have seen a prolific increase in Polar Cruise Tourism, and thereby, more humans are able to visit the Polar Regions. As a result of this, the IMO implemented the Polar Code in 2017 to better prepare ... -
Effects of COVID-19 Infection Control Measures on the Festival and Event Sector in Poland and Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The COVID-19 pandemic has had a strong impact on the functioning of the event industry. This article aims to present the impact of infection control measures on the event sector. In addition, the article compares the ... -
Effects of external inspection on sepsis detection and treatment: a study protocol for a quasiexperimental study with a stepped-wedge design
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Introduction: Inspections are widely used in health care as a means to improve the health services delivered to patients. Despite their widespread use, there is little evidence of their effect. The mechanisms for how ... -
Effektane av kultur og sosioøkonomi på yteevna til ulike merke-image strategiar : ei vitskapsteoretisk evaluering
(HSF notat, Book, 2004)Dette notatet er ei vitskapsteoretisk evaluering av eit arbeid innanfor marknadsføringslitteraturen. Det arbeidet som vert evaluert, er Martin S. Roth sin artikkel The Effects of Culture and Socioeconomics on the ... -
Effekten av den nye rekneskapsførarlova på tilbakekall av autorisasjon
(Bachelor thesis, 2023) -
Effekten av endring i avhendingsloven §3-9 for eiendomsmegler sitt arbeid
(Bachelor thesis, 2022) -
Effekten av klimaendringer på breturisme og naturbasert reiseliv
(Bachelor thesis, 2023) -
Effekten av koronavirus restriksjoner for nye studenter i høyere utdanning
(Bachelor thesis, 2021) -
Effekten av penge- og finanspolitikk på den norske og svenske børsen etter covid-19 utbruddet.
(Bachelor thesis, 2023) -
Effekten av Trinnskatt
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)This assignment will address the transition to step-tax in 2016, and how it will impact the society in relation to the former taxation system. We start off by presenting our thesis and the background for our choice of ... -
Effektene av digitalisering i banknæringen
(Bachelor thesis, 2020) -
Effektene av endringen i skattelovens krav til behandling av tips
(Bachelor thesis, 2019) -
Effekter som følge av overgang fra NRS til IFRS
(Bachelor thesis, 2014)Etter en vedtatt endring i regnskapsloven i 2009, skulle foretak med noterte verdipapir som ikke utarbeidet konsernregnskap, ha plikt fra 2011 å utarbeide årsregnskap etter International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS). ...