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Høgskulen på Vestlandet [14062]
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Tema med variasjonar? Kulturskule – eintydig praksis og rettsleg standard?
(Master thesis, 2023)Tema i denne masteroppgåva er opplæringslova § 13-6, lov om musikk- og kulturskule, og korleis kommunane forstår og praktiserer lova. Vidare har studien til formål å svara ut om skildringane av kommunane si forståing og ... -
Brown algae (Phaeophyceae) stressors and illnesses: a review for a sustainable aquaculture under climate change
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Brown algae (Phaeophyceae) dominate intertidal and shallow subtidal areas globally, where larger species form extensive underwater forests. These structurally complex and highly productive habitats enhance local biodiversity ... -
Drug-Death Related Bereavement and Social Support
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The loss of a close one to drug-related death (DRD) has been characterized as a form of stigmatized bereavement, and research has shown that there is a high risk of bereavement complications. Social support can be a buffer ... -
Knowledge about research and facilitation of co-creation with children. Protocol for the article “scoping review of research about co-creation with children”
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Children and young people’s participation, as stipulated in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, applies to both matters that directly and indirectly affect children. Participation is in some countries recognized as ... -
Sonus – en lokativ lydvandring
(HVL-Notat;2024/17, Working paper, 2024)Sonus er en lydvandring for barn, laget for Festspillene / Småspill 2023, og fremført på Kronstad, Stord og Sogndal. Lydvandringen knyttes til en fysisk forteller, ved at publikum får utlevert en “bæreveske”, som rommer ...