Now showing items 61-80 of 242

    • En tegnende lærer 

      Skjelbred, Bente Helen; Digranes, Ingvild (Chapter, 2023)
      Developing drawing skills in school is presented as fundamental under the core element visual communication in the curriculum LK20 in art and crafts. This article examines and discusses how LK20’s portray drawing, and ...
    • En økokritisk litteratursamtale om energidilemmaer 

      Frøyland, Rikke (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Kapittelet undersøker hvordan lærerstudenter kan ha en strukturert samtale om energi- og bærekraftdilemmaer med utgangspunkt i to kapitler i fagboka Grønne greier (Mathismoen & Jordahl, 2018). Samtalen er gjennomført med ...
    • Entreprenørskapslyst blant unge i rurale område. Regionale skilnader og endring over tid 

      Nesse, Jon Gunnar; Årethun, Torbjørn; Håvold, Jon Ivar (Chapter, 2016)
      Datamaterialet i denne undersøkinga er henta inn gjennom spørjeundersøkingar blant avgangselevar i to vidaregåande skular i Sogn, Høyanger og Årdal, og to på Sunnmøre, Herøy og Ulstein. Vi stilte dei same spørsmåla til to ...
    • Equality of Opportunity and Inheritance Taxation 

      Bøyum, Steinar; Pedersen, Jørgen (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      In this chapter, the relationship between inheritance and equality of opportunity is examined within the context of the increasing socioeconomic inequality in recent years. While equality of opportunity is often cited as ...
    • Equine-facilitated physiotherapy – devised encounters with daring and compassion 

      Sudmann, Tobba Therkildsen (Chapter, 2018)
      Physiotherapy with horses and rider-patients builds on communication and interaction through groundwork and mounted work. This chapter discusses outdoor equine-facilitated physiotherapy on green care farms with three ...
    • «De er jo alle barn»–Mangfoldskonstruksjoner i barnehagen 

      Lund, Hilde Birgitte Hjertager (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      I artikkelen undersøkes det hvordan pedagogiske ledere forstår og konstruerer kulturelt mangfold, og hvordan dette påvirker etniske minoriteter opplevelse av inkludering og tilhørighet i barnehagefelleskapet. Artikkelen ...
    • Er karbonlagring i skog i Tanzania et kostnadseffektivt tiltak mot klimaendring? En modellstudie 

      Soltani, Arezoo (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      REDD+ er et sett med tiltak for å redusere utslipp fra avskoging og skogforringelse. Et slikt tiltak kan være et system for betaling for miljøtjenester der lokalsamfunn i utviklingsland reduserer utslippene fra nærliggende ...
    • Ethical thinking and programming 

      Steffensen, Lisa; Hauge, Kjellrun Hiis; Herheim, Rune (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      There is an increasing prevalence of programming in mathematics education. In this paper, we focus on ethical aspects of programming by first presenting a literature review. Three interrelated topics are identified in the ...
    • Event-image og destinasjonsimage, ein studie av Ekstremsportveko på Voss 

      Erikstad, Eva; Vevle, Miriam; Nath, Atanu; Longvanes, Leif Jostein (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Artikkelen drøftar kva effekt event-image kan ha på imaget til ein destinasjon, og bygger på ei kvantitativ undersøking av tidlegare deltakarar på Ekstremsportveko på Voss. Resultatet syner at opplevinga av festivalen blir ...
    • Exploring learning in critical realism 

      Isaksen, Robert (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Critical realism is a philosophy of science, and not exclusively a theory of learning. However, because philosophic and scientific practice can be considered types of learning, a philosophy of science is likely either to ...
    • Exploring the Taken-for-Granted Advantage of Outdoor Play in Norwegian Early Childhood Education 

      Grindheim, Liv Torunn (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      It is claimed that nature is given temporal and cultural dimensions in Norway, in a transgression of the distinction between nature and culture. The overall emphasis on nature in the Nordic countries may represent an ...
    • Feltarbeid – forskande tilnærming til praksis 

      Traavik, Njål Vidar; Eide, Egil; Heimly, Gisle (Chapter, 2020)
      Using field work and undergoing field practice in junior high school in teacher education for vocational subjects is a new methodological approach to focus, content and to how student practice is organized and carried out. ...
    • Field trials of two 802.11 residual bandwidth estimation methods 

      Nielsen, Martin N.; Øvsthus, Knut; Landmark, lars (Chapter, 2006)
      Ad hoc networks have attracted much attention due to their decentralized architecture and potential mobility. The latter promise has sparked research aimed towards routing and quality of service (QoS) admission schemes. ...
    • Fingerprint identification – a support vector machine approach 

      Kristensen, Terje (Chapter, 2010)
      In this work a hybrid technique for classification of fingerprint identification has been developed to decrease the matching time. For classification a Support Vector Machine is described and used. Automatic Fingerprint ...
    • Forms of epistemic feedback 

      Reid, David Alexander; Bikner-Ahsbahs, Angelika; Janßen, Thomas; Vallejo-Vargas, Estela (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Feedback in a digital learning system has two functions, a pragmatic and an epistemic one. In previous papers, we were concerned with the pragmatic function, showing how digital feedback initiates ...
    • Forplikting er avgjerande 

      Sekkingstad, Dorthea; Syse, Ingrid (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Studien rettar seg mot lærarar som har delteke på skulebasert vidareutdanning i klasseleiing. Føremålet er å undersøkje kjenneteikn ved ei skulebasert vidareutdanning som lærarar meiner bidreg til eiga læring. Empiri er ...
    • Fotballidenskap som «religiøs» fortolkningsramme i oppveksten – en analyse av Hornbys Tribunefeber 

      Sæle, Ove Ronny Olsen (Chapter, 2020)
      The article discusses whether football culture functions as a religious ritual and identity marker by highlighting key passages from Nick Hornby’s classic autobiography Fever Pitch (1992) (in Norwegian, Tribunefeber (1997)). ...
    • Frida Kahlo pictuebook biographies: Facts and fiction in words and images 

      Bjørlo, Berit Westergaard (Chapter, 2021)
      This chapter investigates three picturebook biographies about the Mexican painter Frida Kahlo. The main aim is to discuss how the biographies describe and adapt the artist’s life story and art through the interplay of text ...
    • Friluftsliv i lærarutdanning-utvikling av respekt for natur og miljømedvit for ei berekraftig framtid 

      Nerland, Jørgen Endseth; Aadland, Helga (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      The intention of this chapter is to investigate how ecocentric friluftsliv (outdoor life) works within an interdisciplinary pedagogical framework as didactic practice in educational activities focusing on environmental ...