En god og trygg start på barnehagelivet
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to acuire more knowledge of the youngest children`s habituation to the kindergarten. Over the years, there has been a drastic increase in the number of children aged 1-2 years in the kindergardens, and therefore we see a need to shed light on the topic of habituation. Due to the increase in the youngest children in kindergarten, there has also been a lot of new research and theory in the field. It is the kindergarten teachers as professionals who are responsible for the adjustment period. The overall management document lays down guidelines for the adaptation to take place in collaboration with the child's parents. We therefore have chosen to emphasize their perspectives in this thesis. The thesis question has therefore been worded as follows: How can the kindergarten teachers in collaboration with parents create a good adjustment period for the youngest children in the kindergarten? In the thesis, we have used a qualitative method through focus group interviews where 3 parents of young children and 3 kindergarten teachers participated. Our findings show that time, security and communication are key words in habituation. Further in the thesis, our empirical findings are discussed in the light of relevant research and theory.