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dc.contributor.authorHeggheim, Julie
dc.contributor.authorHukset, Ann Kristin Borren
dc.description.abstractIn this bachelor’s assignment, we have investigated how the kindergarten and educational leader can create a safe and soft transition from home to kindergarten for children aged 1-2, specifically the youngest children. The task focuses on adaptation, attachment theory, parental collaboration, and the responsibilities of the educational leader. By utilizing relevant theory and qualitative methodology, the text highlights these elements in order to shed light on the research question «How can the educational leader create a secure adaptation for the youngest children in kindergarten?»en_US
dc.publisherHøgskulen på Vestlandeten_US
dc.rightsNavngivelse 4.0 Internasjonal*
dc.titleÅ skape tryggleik for dei yngste barna i barnehagenen_US
dc.title.alternativeTo create a safe environment for the youngest children in the kindergartenen_US
dc.typeBachelor thesisen_US

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Navngivelse 4.0 Internasjonal
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