«Kjærlighet er oppskriften når du skal arbeide med barn med autismespekterforstyrrelser»
Title: “Love is the recipe when you are working with children with autism” This task is based on a study of children with autism in kindergarten, focusing on how they get included in play. My research-question has been: How do three educators express that they facilitate for children with autism in relation to play? To answer the research-question, I have used a qualitative method. The empirical evidence presented, is based on interviews with three educators who have different experiences. Two of them have an education in children with special needs. The third is a kindergarten teacher who has experience with children with autism. The thesis concludes that there are many measures for children with autism to be included in play with other children. The main points the three educators emphasized was to divide the group of children to smaller groups, to focus on the areas of interest of the child with autism, visualization and use of pictures, language, communication, and interaction with other children. In addition, how the staff meets the children is an important finding. The empirical evidence shows a difference in the answers of educators. The biggest difference took place in interaction with other children.
Fakultet for lærerutdanning, kultur og idrett, barnehagelærerutdanningen
Veileder: Ane Bergersen