Folkehelse og livsmestring: Ein kvalitativ studie om korleis lærarar tolkar og operasjonaliserer det nye tverrfaglege temaet folkehelse og livsmestring
Master thesis

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This is a paper about the cross curricular theme Public Health and lifeskills which was introduced in the Norwegian school system in 2020. My thesis will investigate how teachers relate to and interpret the theme and how they are planning of implementing it in their teaching. I interviewed nine teachers and sent emails to two psychology professors and two healthcare-workers. I also did fieldwork in a mood department in a hospital in Norway. The paper shows that the teachers mostly have an individual approach to Public Health and life skills that focuses on the strengthening of the student itself. They have less focus on the structural levels around the student, which also are known to be contributing factors to the mental health and life skills of students. My findings are relevant for teachers who are interested in learning more about different perspectives, interpretations, and which challenges and opportunities that different teachers have on this matter. The paper also delivers a supplementary perspective from two psychology professors and various health-care workers which have knowledge and comments that comes from a different professional background.
Master i samfunnsfagsdidaktikk
Fakultet for lærarutdanning, kultur og idrett