Korleis blir mellomalderen formidla til skuleklassar på Bryggens Museum?
Museums are central information-institutions in which many schools use when teaching about history. This study seeks to show what communication strategies towards students are used when Bryggens Museum receive its school students for a tour to learn about the every-day life in the Middle Ages. Bryggens Museum is an archaeological museum and the research will focus on what effects “the object” can have on students’ learning. The research also explores what reflections students have about the exhibition and museum visit after a visit at Bryggens Museum.
This study is based on relevant research done on this topic. A study by Bamberger & Tal (2006) will be the foundation for how the communication towards the students at the museum is categorised. The communication strategies will also be compared to relevant teaching theories as Howard Gardner´s theory on multiple intelligences (2001). Scott G. Paris’s theories on how to use “the object” can also stimulate the learning process with the students (2002) will also be used as a starting point to analyse the students’ thoughts about the objects. The informants of this study are six school classes in Bergen in addition to two of the employees at the Bryggens Museum. The data collection consists of observations of a museum educator’s tours for these six school classes, interviews with the museum educator and the manager of the exhibition, as well as interviews with 29 students in these classes. The observations and interviews have been analysed and compared to create a data that can answer the research question.
The findings of this study are that the communication of information at the museum should be built on the teaching curriculum and offer a guideline for teachers to use in school. Furthermore, the study shows that the authenticity of “the object” influences how the students engage with the topic. The students remember those objects which they can tie to own experiences and that have relevance for their own lives. The study also demonstrates that students find it enjoyable going on museum visits. They express this through saying that they enjoy learning in a different arena than the classroom. Another central argument is the visual effect, that through seeing “the object” the students appreciate the learning process more.
Master i samfunnsfagdidaktikk
Institutt for pedagogikk, religion og samfunnsfag