Institutt for språk, litteratur, matematikk og tolking
Recent Submissions
Democratic Practices as Part of Mathematical Modeling in Schools
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)We focus on how democratic practices occur during the modeling activity “The Candy Bag of Dreams.” With democratic practices, we refer to approaches supporting inclusivity and active participation aimed at empowering ... -
Following up: Questions and Talk Moves in Preservice Teachers’ Mathematics Classroom Conversations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Our research aim is to describe how Preservice Teachers (PSTs) can rehearse and prepare for leading productive talks in mathematics and other subjects. Based on literature and previous research on what constitutes productive ... -
Taking a dialogic stance in interaction with the youngest children – Supporting concept learning and child agency
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article explores a conversation between a student teacher (ST) and a three-year-old child using conversation analysis. Through analysis and interpretation, the article describes and discusses the importance of the ... -
Surjective and closed range differentiation operator
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)We identify Fock-type spaces F(m,p) on which the differentiation operator D has closed range. We prove that D has closed range only if it is surjective, and this happens if and only if m = 1. Moreover, since the operator ... -
The nonlinear superposition operator on harmonic fock spaces
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)We describe the conditions under which the superposition operator maps one harmonic Fock space into another. We further proved that all superposition operators on the spaces are both bounded and globally Lipschitz continuous. ... -
Take That, Westlife, and the Backstreet Boys: A Linguistic Analysis of the Discourses Surfacing in Boyband Names
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This study conducts a multi-level linguistic analysis of a corpus of 316 boyband names. Grammatical and semantic analyses are harnessed to shed light on the discourses surfacing across such names. The discursive patterns ... -
Managing the flow of talk: A longitudinal case study of the multiword expression “det er sant” in L2 Norwegian interactions.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Drawing on recent scholarship integrating usage-based linguistics (UBL) and conversation analysis (CA) in the investigation of second language development, this paper reports on a microanalysis tracing one adult learner’s ... -
Experiencing Tensions When Integrating Language Diversity into Mathematics Teacher Education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Mathematics teacher educators experience tensions when developing their practices in order to integrate social justice issues, such as language diversity. Research on what in fact causes the experiencing of these tensions ... -
High-quality practicum–according to teacher education students on their practicum at partnership schools
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article explores how teacher education students perceive high-quality practicum. Data were collected through group interviews with students while in practicum at partnership schools and analysed thematically within ... -
Spectral of the nonlinear weighted superposition operator on Fock spaces
(Journal article, 2024)We follow several approaches in nonlinear spectral theory and determine the various spectral forms for the nonlinear weighted superposition operator on Fock spaces. The results show that most of the forms introduced so far ... -
Developing an MLA-test for young learners–insights from measurement theory and language testing
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article presents the process of constructing and validating a test of metalinguistic awareness (MLA) for young school children (age 8–10). The test was developed between 2021 and 2023 as part of the MetaLearn research ... -
Seeds of latent hope: The figurative entwinement of children, adolescents, and plants in Maja Lunde’s “The Dream of A Tree”
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Drawing on theorizations of climate fiction, previous studies of plants in climate fiction (cli-fi) for young adults, perspectives from critical plant studies, and discussions on the symbolism of seeds and trees, this study ... -
Rap og multietnolektisk myndiggjøring i dagbokromanen Hør’a dagbok!
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In this article, I explore the utilization of literary multiethnolect as a stylistic device by author Amina Sewali to depict the linguistic and cultural empowerment of the 12-year-old protagonist in the Norwegian children’s ... -
Elevers kommunikasjon i et gruppearbeid i problemløsning
(Master thesis, 2024)Forskning viser at å arbeide med problemløsning i grupper kan føre til å minke belastningen til individet, bidra til læring i matematikk, øke prestasjoner i problemløsning og bidra til læring i å argumentere og resonnere ... -
Numetry Skole i matematikkundervisningen En kvalitativ studie om grunnskolelæreres erfaringer rundt bruken av det digitale spillet Numetry Skole.
(Master thesis, 2024)Høsten 2022 ble det digitale matematikkspillet Numetry Skole presentert for lærere rundt om i landet. Dette spillet skulle gi elever fra 4. – 7. trinn en morsommere måte å løse matematikkoppgaver på, med en følelse av at ... -
Elevers motivasjon i tenkende klasserom En Kvalitativ studie på elevers ved 8.trinns motivasjon under undervisning med rammeverket tenkende klasserom
(Master thesis, 2024)Å motivere elevene til å jobbe med matematikk er en av lærerens mange oppgaver. Motivasjon er ikke bare et mål i seg selv; det er også et middel for å hjelpe elevene med å lære og forbedre deres prestasjoner. Lærere har ... -
Student teachers’ reactions to formative teacher and peer feedback
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Research on students’ perceptions of feedback in higher education has largely focused on students’ general preferences, with little insight into the kind of feedback that students experience. Against this backdrop, the ... -
Problemløysing i matematikkundervisning Ein lærar si oppleving av å leggja til rette for matematiske samtalar
(Master thesis, 2024)I dagens læreplan, Kunnskapsløftet (LK20), er problemløysing, saman med utforsking, eitt av kjerneelementa i matematikkfaget. At læraren legg til rette for at elevane deltar i produktive matematiske samtalar, er ein viktig ... -
Problemløsing og strategier – En analyse av to læreverk i matematikk for 8. trinn.
(Master thesis, 2024)Problemløsing har gjennom læreplanverket LK20 fått stor plass i matematikkfaget. Innenfor problemløsing er det ulike strategier, også kalt heuristikker, som kan være gode hjelpemidler å ta i bruk når man skal løse et problem ... -
Læreboka si rolle i nynorsk språkstyrking Ein analyse av to lærebøker i norsk for ungdomstrinnet
(Master thesis, 2024)Føremålet med denne masteroppgåva har vore å undersøkje korleis to læreverk i norskfaget for ungdomstrinnet framstiller ulike aspekt ved nynorsk, slik at elevar med nynorsk som hovudmål skal få moglegheiter til og ynske ...