A systematic review of ICT interventions in learning
In this study, a systematic review was conducted on 33 different research studies. Only study designs of high internal validity was used. This study examined typologies, categories and effects. The data was collected from a systematic review of 119 different research studies published in 13 different peer reviewed scietific journals. The review process followed three distinct phases. The first phase included an initial search of more than 600 different articles; phase two resulted in a compilation of 119 articles. The studies are dominated by American and UK contributions. The absence of studies examining the effects of social media or web 2.0 applications is noticeable. Fourteen studies were subjected to a calculation of their mean effect sizes. Their effect sizes ranged from ES=0,009 to ES=0.64. The pooled mean was ES=0.20. This is considered as a low effect size. This confirms the findings of other studies on effects of ICT on learning thereby enhancing their external validity. Implications are discussed.