Browsing Institutt for helse- og omsorgsvitskap by Title
Now showing items 2119-2138 of 2912
Raising the question of dignity through knowledge about tacit practices and politics: sharing learning from the Norwegian welfare state
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The focus of this special issue is some of the main tacit policies and practices in the Norwegian welfare state. By looking at what is tacit, mute, unarticulated and neglected we will contribute to raising and presenting ... -
A randomized controlled trial on the effect of blue-blocking glasses compared to partial blue-blockers on melatonin profile among nulliparous women in third trimester of the pregnancy
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Objective In pregnancy melatonin regulates circadian rhythms, induce sleep, and has a neuroprotective positive effect on fetal development. Artificial blue light in the evening delays and suppresses melatonin production. ... -
A randomized controlled trial on the effects of blue-blocking glasses compared to partial blue-blockers on sleep outcomes in the third trimester of pregnancy
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Objective Sleep disturbances are common in pregnancy. Blocking blue light has been shown to improve sleep and may be a suitable intervention for sleep problems during pregnancy. The present study investigated the effects ... -
Rapid methods including network meta-analysis to produce evidence in clinical decision support: a decision analysis
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Background Conducting systematic reviews is time-consuming but crucial to construct evidence-based patient decision aids, clinical practice guidelines and decision analyses. New methods might enable developers to produce ... -
Rapport Dignity Day (verdighetsdag) 14. oktober 2015: Et samarbeid mellom Karmsund videregående skole, Høgskolen Stord/Haugesund og Utviklingssenter for sykehjem og hjemmetjenester, Helse Fonna- kommunene.
(HSH-rapport;2015/5, Others, 2016-01-04)Global Dignity Day ble etablert i 2006 og har årlige arrangement i videregående skoler. Målet er bl.a. å stimulere til en global samtale om verdighet og engasjere ungdom i betydningen av verdighet. En videregående skole, ... -
Rapport om e-læring i helsefagutdanningene : muligheter og begrensinger
(Working paper, 2008)Høsten 2003 leverte daværende helsefaggruppe i NVU (Nettverksuniversitet) en rapport om e-læring i helsefagutdanninger. Rapportens innhold omhandlet kartlegging av de respektive utdanningenes bruk av e-læring, og videre ... -
Rapport om tre kvalitetsforbetringsprosjekt - sjukepleiarstudentar i praksis på medisinsk sengepost ved Førde sentralsjukehus
(Notat - Høgskulen på Vestlandet, Nærregion Sogn og Fjordane; 7/2017, Working paper, 2017)Tema for rapporten er «Kvalitetsforbetringsarbeid i spesialisthelsetenesta». Rapporten omfattar tre forbetringsprosjekt i spesialisthelsetenesta. Føremålet med rapporten er å presentere bakgrunn for prosjekta; gjennomføring, ... -
Rare variants with large effects provide functional insights into the pathology of migraine subtypes, with and without aura
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Migraine is a complex neurovascular disease with a range of severity and symptoms, yet mostly studied as one phenotype in genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Here we combine large GWAS datasets from six European ... -
Rasch analysis of the Beck Depression Inventory-II in stroke survivors: A cross-sectional study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)Background The Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) is often used to assess depressive symptoms among stroke patients, but more evidence is needed regarding its psychometric properties in this population. The purpose ... -
Rationale, development and feasibility of group antenatal care for immigrant women in Sweden: A study protocol for the Hooyo Project
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Introduction Somali-born women comprise a large group of immigrant women of childbearing age in Sweden, with increased risks for perinatal morbidity and mortality and poor experiences of care, despite the goal of providing ... -
Reablement in community-dwelling adults: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
(BMC Geriatrics, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-12-18)Background: As a result of the ageing population, there is an urgent need for innovation in community health-care in order to achieve sustainability. Reablement is implemented in primary care in some Western countries to ... -
Reablement in community-dwelling older adults: a randomised controlled trial
(BMC Geriatrics, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-11-04)Background: There has been an increasing interest in reablement in Norway recently and many municipalities have implemented this form of rehabilitation despite a lack of robust evidence of its effectiveness. The aim of ... -
Reactions and coping strategies in lay rescuers who have provided CPR to out-of-hospital cardiac arrest victims: A qualitative study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Objective Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) provided by community citizens is of paramount importance for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) victims' survival. Fortunately, CPR rates by community citizens seem to be ... -
Readmissions and mortality in delirious versus non-delirious octogenarian patients after aortic valve therapy: A prospective cohort study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016) -
(Bachelor thesis, 2019) -
Reconfiguring clinical communication in the electronic counselling context: The nuances of disruption
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Aim This study expands on an earlier study about diabetes nurses’ experiences of the Guided Self‐Determination intervention in face‐to‐face consultations among people with type 2 diabetes. This current study investigates ... -
Recovery er hva vi vil, men strekker rammene til?
(Bachelor thesis, 2018) -
Recovery of health-related quality of life after burn injuries: An individual participant data meta-analysis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background A prominent outcome measure within burn care is health related quality of life (HRQL). Until now, no model for long-term recovery of HRQL exists for adult burn patients which requires large samples with repeated ... -
Recovery som tilnærming i psykisk helsearbeid
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)Bakgrunn for valg av tema: 1 av 4 har til enhver tid utfordringer med sin psykiske helse, og alvorlige psykiske lidelser kan redusere levetiden med opptil 20 år. Recovery er en tilnærming Helsedirektoratet mener bør prege ... -
Redefining sexual health after gynaecological cancer: Lived experiences from Gynea, a digital rehabilitation programme
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: Gynaecological cancer illness and treatment have a significant impact on women's sexual health and concerns regarding sexual health are known to be an unmet need in survivors. The digital support programme ...