The Use of SAGAT to Measure Situation Awareness on Nautical Science Students
Objective: This study researched How well suited is Situation Awareness Global Assessment
Technique as a method to measure situational awareness for students in Nautical Science?
Where a case study was created to measure situation awareness (SA) with the use of SAGAT.
The result of this study was done compared to previous research regarding SAGAT and SPAM
to get an understanding of which of these methods is suitable to measure SA on Nautical
Science students. SAGAT was then evaluated to see if this was a reliable method.
Participants: For this paper there were three students partaken in the created case.
Method: A qualitative case was created to understand how SAGAT is implemented in
measuring SA. During the simulation there were three different freezes at random times with
three different questionnaires. The created case was then conducted on the three students
participating to get an estimate of what to expect when the simulation is running full scale.
Result: It was found that there are differences within the different Nautical Science classes. By
discussing the results of the simulation with previous research performed with SAGAT and
SPAM concluded with SAGAT being the most reliable method to measure SA on Nautical
Science students during this simulation.
MMO Maritime Operations,
Western Norway University of Applied Science