The Role of the L2 Motivational Self System in Predicting L2 Willingness to Communicate: A Study of Young Language Learners’ L2 WTC and Motivation in the Norwegian Lower Secondary ESL Classroom
This thesis investigates the role of motivation on young Norwegian language learners’ willingness to communicate in the ESL classroom both in general and looking at gender differences. The study draws on literature from MacIntyre et al.'s (1998) L2 Willingness to Communicate model and Dornyei's (2005) two self-guides (the ideal L2 self and the ought-to L2 self) in the L2 Motivational Self System construct. To answer the thesis research questions, a mixed method design has been applied. An online questionnaire survey has been developed on the basis of the literature and conducted by 37 pupils from two ESL classes in a school in western Norway. Amongst them, four pupils were additionally interviewed using a
semi-structured interview technique. Important to note is that the participants’ actual L2 willingness to communicate was not measured in this study. The findings are based on their self-reported willingness to use the target language in the classroom.
The findings in the present study suggest a positive trend in that the ideal L2 self enhances young language learners’ L2 willingness to communicate. In contrast, the findings for the ought-to L2 self showed no correlation with the pupils’ L2 willingness to communicate. The positive correlation between the ideal L2 self and the pupils’ L2 willingness to communicate correspond with previous research but deviate from previous research in that there were not found a correlation between L2 willingness to communicate and the ought-to L2 self. When investigating gender differences, the only positive correlation at a statistically significant level was found between the girls’ L2 WTC and the ideal L2 self. In addition to the original scope of the thesis, findings showed that pupils without any additional language background also showed a positive trend toward the ideal L2 self, enhancing their L2 willingness to communicate. Based on the results, this thesis concludes with pedagogical implications, and further research are discussed.
Master’s Thesis in Education with English Didactics
Department of Language, Literature, Mathematics, and