• Affordances of an App - A reading of The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore 

      Schwebs, Ture (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)
      In a relatively short time, apps have become highly popular as a platform for children’s fiction. The majority of media attention to these apps has focused on their technical features. There has been less focus on their ...
    • Elevtekster i digitale læringsomgivelser 

      Schwebs, Ture (Digital kompetanse 2006 nr.1, Journal article, 2006)
      The article presents findings from the testing of eLogg, a primary and secondary school learning environment based on the principles of weblogs and wikis. Most students demonstrated extended digital literacy proficiency, ...
    • Festskrift til Sveinung Time på 61-årsdagen 

      Schwebs, Ture; Larsen, Leif Johan (Skriftserien, nr. 3/2007, Rapport, 2007-05-10)
      Hvordan kan blogger og wikier brukes til læringsformål? Forfatteren av denne (sammensatte) teksten deltok i et prosjekt som bygget og testet en prototyp på et online-publiseringsverktøy, kalt eLogg2. Grunnforholdene ...
    • Personal Publishing and Media Literacy. Designing a virtual learning arena based on weblogs and wikis 

      Hoem, Jon; Schwebs, Ture (Chapter, 2005)
      Based on a discussion of the terms " digital competence" and "media competence" this paper presents challenges of designing virtual learning arenas based on principles known from weblogs and wikis. Both are personal ...