• Leddyrsamfunn og -diversitet tilknyttet urbane trær og deres lokale omgivelser i Sogndalsfjøra 

      Nyborg, Johannes Lande; Svendsen, Amalie (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Urbanisering er en stor trussel for biodiversitet i byer og tettsteder, som medfører en rekke konsekvenser. Grønn infrastruktur går tapt til fordel for grå flater og bygninger, dermed forsvinner stadig flere arter. Urbane ...
    • The Barsnesfjord holistic science approach: Implications on the application of the EU Water Framework Directive 

      Kerbusch, Shiraley (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      The current EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) classification of the Barsnesfjord is “Bad”. The final WFD classification includes within the biological quality elements only the Shannon Index (H’) of benthic macro-invertebrates. ...
    • Økologiske konsekvenser av vannkraftutslipp i Aurlandsfjorden og Fjærlandsfjorden 

      Gonsholt, Mikel; Sande, Simen; Sæther, Tor-Eirik Ness (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Hensikten med denne bacheloroppgaven er å vurdere hvilke økologiske konsekvenser vannkraften har for fjord- og kystmiljø under dagens konsesjonsvilkår, med utgangspunkt i småkraft i Fjærland, og større vannkraft i Aurland. ...
    • Mikronett basert elektrifisering av avsidesliggende samfunn på øyer i Norge 

      Nilssen, Mikael Bøe; Riesen, Tim Maarten (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Elektrifiseringen av avsidesliggende områder kan være ressurskrevende og kreve mye planlegging. Under en slik planleggingsprosess dukker det opp flere alternativer for elektrifiseringen eller opprustningen. Denne ...
    • Airborne Wind Energy 

      Amble, Petter; Kastdalen, Jon; Andersen, William Wilde (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Luftbåren vindenergi Luftbåren vindenergi er systemer der en kite eller glider brukes til å utnytte energi fra vinden på store høyder. Vindhastigheten øker med høyde. Fra bakken til 500 meters høyde kan vindhastigheten ...
    • Kartlegging av brefronten til Nigardsbreen ved hjelp av «Planet» micro-satellitter 

      Natvik, Inga Kristine Kilavik (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Et varmere klima fører til at isbreer verden over smelter. Å følge med på hvordan breene vokser eller minker, kan gi viktig informasjon om et klima i endring. Brefronten til Nigardsbreen har hatt en stor tilbakegang i 2018 ...
    • Is local always best? Social acceptance of small hydropower projects in Norway 

      Rygg, Bente Johnsen; Ryghaug, Marianne; Yttri, Gunnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Small-scale development of renewable energy has been identified as one possible solution to meet future energy needs and is well aligned with the general European trend towards further development of community energy ...
    • Buffering effects of soil seed banks on plant community composition in response to land use and climate. 

      Plue, Jan; Van Calster, Hans; Auestad, Inger; Basto, Sofia; Bekker, Renee M.; Bruun, Hans Henrik; Chevalier, Richard; Decocq, Guillaume; Grandin, Ulf; Hermy, Martin; Jacquemyn, Hans; Jakobsson, Anna; Jankowska‐Błaszczuk, Małgorzata; Kalamees, Rein; Koch, Marcus A.; Marrs, Rob H.; Marteinsdóttir, Bryndís; Milberg, Per; Måren, Inger Elisabeth; Pakeman, Robin J.; Phoenix, Gareth K.; Thompson, Ken; Vandvik, Vigdis; Wagner, Markus; Auffret, Alistair G. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Aim Climate and land use are key determinants of biodiversity, with past and ongoing changes posing serious threats to global ecosystems. Unlike most other organism groups, plant species can possess dormant life‐history ...
    • Permafrost as a first order control on long-term rock-slope deformation in (Sub-)Arctic Norway 

      Hilger, Paula; Hermanns, Reginald; Czekirda, Justyna; Sæterdal, Kristin Myhra; Gosse, John C.; Etzelmüller, Bernd (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Assessing initiation of rock-slope deformation and paleo-slip rates of rockslides is important to understand the impact of climate variability - in particular permafrost changes - on rockslide activity. Norway, with 6–6.5% ...
    • The Influence of Income and Currency Changes on Tourist Inflow to Norwegian Campsites: The Case of Swedish and German Visitors 

      Opstad, Leiv; Hammervold, Randi; Idsø, Johannes (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      There are few published articles on the demand for campsites, despite this being an important segment of the tourism industry. The purpose of this study was to gain further understanding of this topic. Using publicly ...
    • Closing the sustainable development gap: A global study of goal interactions 

      Linnerud, Kristin; Holden, Erling; Simonsen, Morten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Meeting one sustainable development goal on human needs, social justice, or environmental limits can make it harder (or easier) to meet others. The extent to which countries succeed in reconciling these goals is context-specific ...
    • Rapid post-glacial bedrock weathering in coastal Norway 

      Andersen, Jane Lund; Margreth, Annina; Fredin, Ola; Linge, Henriette; Goodfellow, Bradley W.; Faust, Johan Christoph; Knies, Jochen; Solbakk, Terje; Brook, Edward J.; Scheiber, Thomas; van der Lelij, Roelant; Burki, Valentin Josef; Rubensdotter, Brita Lena Eleonor Fredin; Himmler, Tobias; Yesilyurt, Serdar; Christl, Marcus; Vockenhuber, Christof; Akcar, Naki (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Quantifying bedrock weathering rates under diverse climate conditions is essential to understanding timescales of landscape evolution. Yet, weathering rates are often difficult to constrain, and associating a weathered ...
    • Citizen-led initiatives in the German wind energy sector - a qualitative and quantitative exploration 

      von Beck, Constantin (Master thesis, 2021)
      Onshore wind energy development in Germany faces a problem, the citizens do not want wind turbines in their backyard (NIMBY). Citizen-led initiatives, prominently in form of energy cooperatives, are deemed to increase the ...
    • Studentopplysningen: Mat og resirkulering 

      Ekerholt, Kaja Stamer; Siglevik, Sondre Thorsen; Rosvoll, Oda Emilie Solbakken (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
    • Modelling the potential impact of recent climate change on potato, barley, and wheat yield in Norway 

      Mohammadi, Shirin (Master thesis, 2021)
      Food security and eliminating hunger are fundamental to fulfilling the global sustainable development goals, but the sensitivity of food production to climate change has made this goal challenging as it accounts for a third ...
    • Barrierer og mulige løsninger for implementering av hydrogen som energibærer i norsk maritim sektor 

      Johannessen, Ingvild Mundgjel Fjeld; Osebakken, Margunn Tveit; Yogendran, Mathina Fadnes (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
    • FAIR Metadata Standards for Low Carbon Energy Research—A Review of Practices and How to Advance 

      Wierling, August Hubert; Schwanitz, Valeria Jana; Altinci, Sebnem; Balazinska, Maria; Barber, Michael J.; Biresselioglu, Mehmet Efe; Burger-Scheidlin, Christopher; Celino, Massimo; Demir, Muhittin Hakan; Dennis, Richard; Dintzner, Nicolas; el Gammal, Adel; Fernández-Peruchena, Carlos M.; Gilcrease, Winston; Gładysz, Pawel; Hoyer-Klick, Carsten; Joshi, Kevin; Kruczek, Mariusz; Lacroix, David; Markowska, Malgorzata; Mayo-Garcia, Rafael; Morrison, Robbie; Paier, Manfred; Peronato, Giuseppe; Ramakrishnan, Mahendranath; Reid, Janeita; Sciullo, Alessandro; Solak, Berfu; Suna, Demet; Suess, Wolfgang; Unger, Astrid; Fernandez Vanoni, Maria Luisa; Vasiljevic, Nikola (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The principles of Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability (FAIR) have been put forward to guide optimal sharing of data. The potential for industrial and social innovation is vast. Domain-specific ...
    • Phenotypic plasticity masks range-wide genetic differentiation for vegetative but not reproductive traits in a short-lived plant 

      Villellas, Jesus; Ehrlén, Johan; Crone, Elizabeth E.; Csergö, Anna Mária; Garcia, Maria B.; Laine, Anna- Liisa; Roach, Deborah A.; Salguero-Gómez, Roberto; Wardle, Glenda M.; Childs, Dylan Z.; Elderd, Bret D.; Finn, Alain; Munné-Bosch, Sergi; Bachelot, Benedicte; Bódis, Judit; Bucharova, Anna; Caruso, Christina M.; Catford, Jane A.; Coghill, Matthew; Compagnoni, Aldo; Duncan, Richard P.; Dwyer, John M.; Ferguson, Aryana; Fraser, Lauchlan H.; Griffoul, Emily; Groenteman, Ronny; Hamre, Liv Norunn; Helm, Aveliina; Kelly, Ruth; Laanisto, Lauri; Lonati, Michele; Münzbergová, Zuzana; Nuche, Paloma; Olsen, Siri Lie; Oprea, Adrian; Pärtel, Meelis; Petry, William K.; Ramula, Satu; Rasmussen, Pil U.; Ravetto Enri, Simone; Roeder, Anna; Roscher, Christiane; Schultz, Cheryl; Skarpaas, Olav; Smith, Annabel L.; Tack, Ayco J.M.; Töpper, Joachim Paul; Vesk, Peter A.; Vose, Gregory E.; Wandrag, Elizabeth M.; Wingler, Astrid; Buckley, Yvonne M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Genetic differentiation and phenotypic plasticity jointly shape intraspecific trait variation, but their roles differ among traits. In short- lived plants, reproductive traits may be more genetically determined due to their ...
    • FAIR and Open Energy Data for the wind Energy Sector 

      Ziaabadi, Mehran (Master thesis, 2021)
      The future of the planet depends on how we produce energy. A reliable, affordable, sustainable, and decarbonized energy system is vital for the energy sector. Clean energy development is essential for tackling climate ...
    • The prospect of blue and green hydrogen in Norwegian maritime sector 

      Safara Nosar, Negar (Master thesis, 2021)
      In the face of increasing scientific evidence of the threats of anthropogenic climate change, the maritime sector has become more strictly regulated in recent years. To meet the national and international mandatory ...