Blar i Institutt for helse og funksjon på tittel
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A 12-month randomised pilot trial of the Alzheimer’s and music therapy study: a feasibility assessment of music therapy and physical activity in patients with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: The Alzheimer’s and Music Therapy (ALMUTH) study is the first randomised controlled trial (RCT) design with 12 months of active non-pharmacological therapy (NPT) implementing music therapy (MT) and physical ... -
2.5-fold increased risk of recurrent acute myocardial infarction with familial hypercholesterolemia
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background and aims A first-time acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is a severe diagnosis that leads to initiation or intensification of lipid-lowering medication to prevent recurrent events. Individuals with familial ... -
A multicenter investigation of reablement in Norway: A clinical controlled trial
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Background Reablement is an emerging approach in rehabilitation services, but evidence for its efficacy is rather weak and inconsistent. The purpose of the present study is therefore to investigate the health effects of ... -
A positive association between nutritional risk and the incidence of surgical site infections: A hospital-based register study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Surgical site infections (SSI) are amongst the most common health care-associated infections and have adverse effects for patient health and for hospital resources. Although surgery guidelines recognize poor nutritional ... -
A Quantitative Analysis of the Impact of a CT Simulation Tool on Radiography Students’ Learning
(Bachelor thesis, 2019) -
The ability of the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) to indicate motor difficulties in infants in primary care
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Introduction Delayed achievement of motor milestones may be an early indicator of motor difficulties. Parent-reported questionnaires may serve as an efficient, low-cost screening to identify infants in need of further ... -
Active patient-therapist collaboration during physiotherapy treatment
(HiO-rapport, Rapport, 2010)Purpose: This study explores how physiotherapists collaborate with their patients in clinical practice. Method: Six young physiotherapists were interviewed about their clinical experiences with special focus on how they ... -
Acute hospital admissions among nursing home residents: a population-based observational study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011)Background Nursing home residents are prone to acute illness due to their high age, underlying illnesses and immobility. We examined the incidence of acute hospital admissions among nursing home residents versus the ... -
Additiv tilvirkning for ergoterapeuter innen håndrehabilitering: en systematisk litteraturgjennomgang
(Bachelor thesis, 2019) -
Adipose tissue distribution from body MRI is associated with cross-sectional and longitudinal brain age in adults
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)There is an intimate body-brain connection in ageing, and obesity is a key risk factor for poor cardiometabolic health and neurodegenerative conditions. Although research has demonstrated deleterious effects of obesity on ... -
Adjusting for outcome risk factors in immigrant datasets: total or direct effects?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background When quantifying differences in health outcomes between immigrants and non-immigrants, it is common practice to adjust for observed differences in outcome risk factors between the groups being compared. However, ... -
Aerob trening i behandling av unge voksne med depresjon
(Bachelor thesis, 2020) -
The age of violence: Mapping brain age in psychosis and psychopathy
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Young chronological age is one of the strongest predictors for antisocial behaviour in the general population and for violent offending in individuals with psychotic disorders. An individual's age can be predicted with ... -
Aktiv på egne premisser : en diskursanalyse av faglige retningslinjer
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Hensikt: Undersøke språkbruk og meningsproduksjon om barn med overvekt i Helsedirektoratets faglige retningslinjer for primærhelsetjenesten. Design: Diskursanalyse. Materiale: Teksten om nasjonale faglige retningslinjer ... -
Aktivitetsbasert pedagogikk : en studie av bachelorstudenters utvikling av handlingskompetanse gjennom aktivitetsbasert pedagogikk
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Målet med artikkelen er å synliggjøre hvordan bachelorstudenter i ergoterapi kan utvikle profesjonell handlingskompetanse gjennom aktivitetsbasert pedagogikk. På bakgrunn av dette gjennomførte vi kvalitative fokusgruppeintervju ... -
Akutt respons på tung, langsom styrketrening på tendinopatiske – og friske akillessener
(Master thesis, 2012-06-06)Sammendrag Bakgrunn: Tendinopati er en fellesdiagnose for smerter i senen. Etiologien og patogenesen bak tendinopati er ukjent. Det er ingen konsensus på hva som er den beste behandlingen på akillestendinopati i dag, men ... -
Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS) 2 klinisk relevant på norske barn?
(Bachelor thesis, 2019)