Evaluating the Edda Fauna HSE Simulator, Pilot study 1: Establishing familiarization trials and measures
The need for familiarization of personnel on petromaritime vessels is increasing. This is the context of the development of the Edda Fauna HSE Simulator, a desktop FPP simulator aimed at supplementing traditional familiarization procedures for the IMR vessel Edda Fauna. In order for the simulator to have a practical value, the learning potential of the simulator must be established. Hence, the present pilot study sought to establish a test that could yield measures of learning in the form of increased familiarity aboard the vessel. An experimental repeated measures 2x4 design was used, with two trials of the same four posts taken from the official training program, followed by focus groups and attempted virtual trials. The participants (N=4) represented a mix of genders and varying previous shipboard experience. Effect sizes with confidence intervals and power analyses were calculated by using the statistical package R. The findings indicated that a suitable route and procedures were established that could measure the effect of familiarization procedures. Power analyses indicated that a sufficient statistical power could be achieved with a reasonable group size (n=10). However, learning effects show that a repeated measures design is not feasible. Virtual assessment failed, highlighting the requirement of participants' relevant video gaming experience.