Hvordan tilrettelegge for en verdig livsavslutning for en hjemmeboende kreftpasient i palliativ fase?
Background: There is an increase in the number of cancer cases and after interaction re-form was introduced chooses more and more palliative cancer patients to be home at the end of life. Patients have the right to be cared for in a dignified manner, and nurses must have good knowledge to achieve this.
Aim: Elucidating what nurses need to do to achieve the palliative cancer patient to a digni-fied end of life in the home. I will especially increase our knowledge and understanding of the patient's right to self-determination and integrity, and how the relatives can be a re-source for the patients and nurses.
Method: A systematic literature review based on current literature and research.
Finding: Through the results of research articles and other relevant literature, it reveals that the patient must be treated worthy of experiencing a good ending to the life of the home. Worthy care is that nurses must show respect to the patients, both by protecting their autonomy, integrity and privacy. They must see the patient as a fellow human being, and not only concentrate on the care-related needs. The patient needs to have control over themselves but also that nurses take the time to care and converse.
In order to build a sense of dignity to the patient, nurses must also see the family as fellow human beings. Nurses must also show respect for the relative’s right to privacy and the need for care. And when the patients’ home is the nurses work arena, it is also essential for the patient's dignity that they act with humility in their home, and show respect of home values, norms and rules.