Blar i Institutt for helse- og omsorgsvitskap på dokumenttype "Chapter"
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Aaron Antonovsky’s Development of Salutogenesis, 1979–1994
(Chapter, 2022)In this chapter, the authors present a summary of Aaron Antonovsky’s development of the salutogenic model of health (SMH), along with life events of Antonovsky until his untimely death in 1994. The chapter is based on the ... -
Applying Salutogenesis in Mental Healthcare Settings
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022)This chapter deals with salutogenesis for a specific and growing group of people with mental health challenges. It emphasizes the importance of high-quality social support in interplay with positive identity development ... -
Effectiveness of Interventions to Enhance the Sense of Coherence in the Life Course
(Chapter, 2022)This chapter provides an overview of the effectiveness of programs and interventions that aim to strengthen the sense of coherence (SOC) throughout the life span. The authors report on more than 40 studies investigating ... -
Ein ny metode for å vurdere kvalitet på sjukepleietenesta ved medisinske sengepostar
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2016)Internasjonale studiar tydar på at sjukepleiarar sine arbeidsforhold verkar inn på pasientane sin helsestatus. I denne studien har vi utvikla ein metode for å kartlegge karakteristika ved arbeidsmiljøet, som er assosiert ... -
Ein nyskapande praksismodell i kommunehelsetenesta – sjukepleiarstudentar sine erfaringar
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2023)Studien presenterer sjukepleiarstudentar sine erfaringar med ein ny praksismodell i kommunen. Ein lang praksis på seksten veker la til rette for å verte godt kjent med kommunen og forstå samhandlinga mellom ulike aktørar. ... -
Kva meiner Foucault med omgrepet konstruksjon?
(Chapter, 2004) -
Promoting Salutogenic Capacity in Health Professionals
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022)From a salutogenic perspective, relational and reflective competencies are key to the success of competence building. Reflecting on and exploring one’s (life) experience in a continuous learning process can enhance salutogenic ... -
The role of medication management in hospital readmissions in Norwegian primary healthcare services : A secondary analysis
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022)Medication management and the transmission of medication information between healthcare services have proven to be essential factors in hospital readmissions. The patients primary healthcare services are caring for at ...