Organizational culture as a catalyst for innovation: A comparative case study of Netflix and Tomra
The aim of this study was to investigate how organizational culture can be leveraged to foster innovation within Norwegian companies, using Netflix and Tomra as comparative case studies. The reason for this investigation is the critical role that organizational culture plays in driving innovation and maintaining competitive advantage in a rapidly changing business environment. The research was conducted through a methodical approach, involving in-depth interviews and qualitative analysis. The interviews were designed to be exploratory, allowing for the discovery of valuable insights beyond the predetermined research areas. Further, the content of the interviews was distilled into five main codes: "values," "empowerment," "development-oriented," "candor," and "edify." Throughout the study, several interesting factors were uncovered, such as the impact of leadership commitment on innovation, the role of transparent communication in fostering trust and creativity, and the benefits of empowering employees to take risks and learn from failures. These factors highlight the complex interplay between organizational culture and innovation capabilities. In conclusion, Norway appears to be a country with strong potential for innovation, but it requires strategic guidance to fully harness this potential. The study, therefore, provides a detailed analysis and proposes actionable recommendations for Norwegian companies on how to implement a culture that fosters innovation. By adopting these recommendations, companies can create an environment conducive to continuous innovation and sustained competitive advantage
Master i innovasjon og ledelse. Høgskulen på Vestlandet, campus Bergen