Institutt for økonomi og administrasjon
Recent Submissions
Tema med variasjonar? Kulturskule – eintydig praksis og rettsleg standard?
(Master thesis, 2023)Tema i denne masteroppgåva er opplæringslova § 13-6, lov om musikk- og kulturskule, og korleis kommunane forstår og praktiserer lova. Vidare har studien til formål å svara ut om skildringane av kommunane si forståing og ... -
Knowledge about research and facilitation of co-creation with children. Protocol for the article “scoping review of research about co-creation with children”
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Children and young people’s participation, as stipulated in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, applies to both matters that directly and indirectly affect children. Participation is in some countries recognized as ... -
Harmonizing European Financial Regulation: Is There a Need for Improved Similarity in Prospectus Liability Rules?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This paper on financial regulation addresses the extent to which rules on liability for information should be standardized across the EU/EEA region. The method applied is an analysis of legal documents. My finding is that ... -
Optimal fisheries management and the response to price changes
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The literature on how price changes affect optimally managed fisheries is mostly concerned with how fish stocks and harvest rates are affected in steady state. There is little published on how prices affect optimal harvest ... -
Proximity and social capital in the context of artisan food producers: Towards local constatations of knowledge and innovation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Embeddedness of artisan food markets in local socio-economic settings is apparent and decisive in individual procedures, development and change. The paper argues that geography and location patterns affect artisan food ... -
SMEs’ resilience and cross-industry innovation before and after a crisis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Industry crises regularly threaten the existence of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and place demands on their resilience while simultaneously providing opportunities for cross-industry innovation (CII). The ... -
More-than-food tourism
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Food tourism researchers are increasingly seeking to question why tourists eat animals, and the ethical dimensions of such encounters. The tourist experience has largely been taken as the starting point in this research, ... -
Entrepreneurship education through sustainability orientation – exploring a project initiating and structuring industry mentors
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Entrepreneurship education (EE) is about developing students’ ability to create economic, social, or cultural value. For sustainable development and achieving the SDGs, collaboration and new alliances will be of key ... -
Situating knowledge combinations beyond the factory gate: Examples from two innovation projects in rural Norway
(Journal article, 2024)Evolutionary economic geography considers knowledge combinations as key for explaining innovation and regional industrial development. Building on the thesis that knowledge is beneficially combined across adjacent industries, ... -
An Agent-based Approach to Study Spatial Structure Effects on Estimated Distance Deterrence in Commuting
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)We provide an experimental design to study how estimates of the distance deterrence parameter in a standard doubly-constrained gravity model respond to different patterns of spatial structure. The design is defined as an ... -
Governmental Revenue Compensation during COVID-19: Did Firm Resources and Institutional Factors Explain Who Received It?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)During COVID-19, the Norwegian Government provided compensation to amend firms’ decreased revenues, yet it should be neutral and tailored to losses only. However, firm resources or institutional factors may have influenced ... -
Instrumental Needs: A Relational Account
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Instrumentalism about need suggests that the normative significance of an agent’s need for x depends on the end for which x is needed. Instrumental accounts have, however, been vague about the transfer or transmission of ... -
Sustainability and innovation across the aquaculture value chain
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Previous research has shown that Norwegian aquaculture firms strongly emphasize environmental and social sustainability, and this study aims to assess if the pattern is consistent across the value chain and consistent ... -
Were the 2022 Summer Heatwaves a Strong Cause of Europe’s Excess Deaths?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)During the 2022 summer, Europe experienced heatwaves with record temperatures, and a study has argued that they caused about 62,000 deaths between 30 May and 4 September. The total number of excess deaths during the same ... -
Deaths among young people in England increased significantly in 10 of 11 weeks after COVID-19 vaccination and doubled in three
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Hvordan underordner eiendomsmeglere seg etter hvitvaskingsloven i deres utførelse av yrke?
(Bachelor thesis, 2024) -
Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) in the Bachelor Education of Construction Engineers in Norway
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)The construction industry is more exposed to serious accidents than other sectors in Norway, and needs to improve its performance on health, safety and environment (HSE). Newly educated engineers quickly enter into management ... -
Pengepolitisk styring med begrenset pengemengde: Med utgangspunkt i inflasjonsstyring
(Bachelor thesis, 2024) -
Lokal vekst
(Bachelor thesis, 2024) -
Innovasjon Norge sin rolle i grønn omstilling under pandemien
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)