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dc.contributor.authorØverli, Maren
dc.contributor.authorVabø, Mats Robin
dc.descriptionMaster of Science in Business Faculty of Business Administration and Social Sciencesen_US
dc.description.abstractProximity, network, and flow of resources are key terms to describe why clusters and entrepreneurial ecosystems provide a strong competitive advantage for the establishment and growth of start-ups. In a cluster or an entrepreneurial ecosystem, there are several players who play together to achieve economic growth. For the best possible interaction and result, the actors are dependent on a well-functioning dynamic in order to achieve the advantages such a network provides. Through a social network, resources such as knowledge and capital, can flow between start-ups, investors, institutions, and others involved in the cluster or the entrepreneurial ecosystem. In this study, the purpose has been to see how the dynamics of a cluster or entrepreneurial ecosystem affect start-ups' competitive advantage. The study was conducted as a case study in Media City Bergen by interviewing start-up companies, investors, and the administration in the cluster. Based on existing theory about clusters and entrepreneurial ecosystems, the findings were linked to the theories in order to substantiate the problem. Keywords: Start-ups, clusters, entrepreneurial ecosystems, case study, competitive advantageen_US
dc.publisherHøgskulen på Vestlandeten_US
dc.rightsNavngivelse 4.0 Internasjonal*
dc.titleKlyngedynamikk og konkurransefortrinn for oppstartsbedrifteren_US
dc.title.alternativeCluster dynamics and start-ups’ competitive advantagesen_US
dc.typeMaster thesisen_US

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