How are the differences of the perceived values of the firms on services provided by Business Incubators and those of Industry Gardens? Considerations for promoting those values.
In Norway, there are a lot of business companies and the institutions that help the companies by providing necessary facilitations and mentoring so that those companies can operate effectively, survive, and get growth in the future. The companies including the established and start-ups firms get the services from the institutions, Business Incubators, and Industry Gardens. This research will try to find out especially the differences between the perceived values of companies affiliating to Business Incubators and those of Industry Gardens on the services provided. It will analyze how and why those differences are occurring and the impact of those differences, but at the same time the similar values and total values of both are viewed as well if those are sufficiently stimulating to be evaluated and analyzed. So, it can be said that the research is approaching from demand side of services and analyzing on the same level, that is, firm level, not institution level. The paper will use only the quantity method for this study by using survey data and report carried out by SIVA in 2017. Based on all those findings, the paper will try to contribute the considerations for improving these services and perceived values as much as possible from different aspects and perspectives. In my view, it is firmly believed that the results of these efforts will fulfill the facts, thinking and suggestions to the required area of Norwegian business world one or another way beneficially.
Masteroppgave i innovasjon og entrepenørskap, Institutt for økonomi og administrasjon, Høgskulen på Vestlandet, campus Bergen