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dc.contributor.authorDrageset, Jorunn
dc.contributor.authorDysvik, Elin
dc.contributor.authorEspehaug, Birgitte
dc.contributor.authorNatvig, Gerd Karin
dc.contributor.authorFurnes, Bodil
dc.identifier.citationPeerJ 3:e1120en_GB
dc.description.abstractBackground. Knowledge about mixed-methods perspectives that examine anxiety, depression, social support, mental health and the phenomenon of suffering among cognitively intact NH residents is scarce.We aimed to explore suffering and mental health among cognitively intactNHresidents. Methods. This study used a mixed-methods design to explore different aspects of the same phenomena of interest to gain a more comprehensive understanding. The qualitative core component comprised a qualitative interview from 18 nursing home residents (≥65 years) about experiences related to pain, grief and loss. The supplementary component comprised interview from the same respondents using the SF-36Health Survey subscales, theHospital Anxiety andDepression Scale and the Social Provisions Scale. Results. The individual descriptions reveal suffering caused by painful experiences during life. The quantitative results indicated that symptoms of anxiety and depression were related to mental health and symptoms of anxiety were related to bodily pain and emotional role limitations. Attachment and social integration were associated with vitality and social functioning. Discussion. To improve the situation, more attention should be paid to the residents’ suffering related to anxiety, depression and psychosocial relations.en_GB
dc.rightsNavngivelse 4.0 Internasjonal
dc.subject.othermental healthen_GB
dc.subject.othernursing homesen_GB
dc.titleSuffering and mental health among older people living in nursing homes—a mixed-methods studyen_GB
dc.typePeer revieweden_GB
dc.typeJournal articleen_GB

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