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dc.contributor.authorHemnes, Rune
dc.contributor.authorOanes, Ingrid
dc.description.abstractIn this bachelor thesis we look into the present and future challenges the public healthcare home service (PHHS) is facing and in what degree healthcare technology can be expected to provide a solution to these challenges. Through a meta study of different studies, reports and articles we provide an overview of the PHHS`s situation, challenges and different experiences with implementing different sorts of healthcare technology so far. The PHHS sector struggles with recruiting qualified personnel, a high level of absence due to illness and staff turnover while the proportion of elderly dependent on care is rising. Our findings suggest that the health care technology increasingly is expected to solve the challenges in this sector in a positive way. Nevertheless, this requires an adjustment within the PHHS. In our opinion, to be able to meet the challenges ahead and to be able to exploit the possibilities the health care technology provides, the PHHS needs a makeover to better be able to adjust and handle necessary changes and innovations expected in a provident and dynamic organization. This is as mentioned necessary to fully be able to exploit the winnings of the health care technology. Simultaneous, we can see that a development like this will most likely also give the PHHS a positive contribution to solve and to meet the challenges regarding recruiting, absence due to illness and staff turnover. We have identified different mechanisms and how the different present and future challenges are interrelated between the PHHS`s present and future challenges. Our account and discussion of these findings will provide useful insights and an overview of the current situation. We hope our research will provide useful insights for municipalities all facing the same types of challenges in the PHHS sector, and also the possibilities for implementing new healthcare technologies to stake out the course for the PHHS in the years to come.nb_NO
dc.publisherHøgskulen på Vestlandet
dc.titleVelferdsteknologi - bedre omsorg for flere?: Hvordan kan velferdsteknologi best utnyttes for å videreutvikle hjemmetjenesten inn i en ny tid?nb_NO
dc.typeBachelor thesisnb_NO

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