• “Playin” the changes: A jazz approach to researching student-teachers’ PowerPoint presentations 

      Kvinge, Øystein Røsseland (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
    • Plottet som samler. Et hermeneutisk perspektiv på kategorisering av betydning i navn på travhester 

      Orseth, Dag (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      There are quite a lot of studies of names of different kinds of farm- and domestic animals. Four such studies originating in the Nordic countries all strive to establish what is the origin of the names they deal with. When ...
    • Podkast som undervisingsform: språkhistorisk aktørskap i møte med nynorsk 

      Lunde, Kirsti; Thingnes, Jorunn Simonsen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Språkhistorieundervising er sentral for å gjere studentar medvitne om toskriftspråkssituasjonen i Noreg, det historiske opphavet til han, og kva som kjenneteiknar han i dag. Denne artikkelen syner korleis ein kan nytte ...
    • "Poenget er at du gjer klasserommet til ein stad der det skjer meir dynamisk aktivitet" - lærarar sine erfaringar med omvendt undervisning som undervisningsdesign 

      Sekkingstad, Dorthea; Fossøy, Ingrid Karin (Chapter, 2020)
      Føremålet med denne studien er å få fram ny kunnskap om korleis lærarar erfarer og tek i bruk omvendt undervisning som undervisningsdesign. Empiri er henta inn gjennom fokusgruppeintervju med til saman 12 lærarar frå ...
    • POG/POA (Prosjekt – Overta gruppe/avdeling): Stord sykehjem som læringsarena for sykepleiestudentene 2009 – 2011 

      Belova, Angelina (Research report, 2012)
      I forrige prosjekt gjennomførte vi tiltak som øker veiledningskompetansen til kontaktsykepleiere, samtidig som studentene overtok pleien for pasientene i en uke på sykehjemmet. For å se nærmere på studentenes læringsutbytte ...
    • Polar Ship Design and Operations: Past, Present, and Future 

      Gudmestad, Ove Tobias (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      From an early emphasis on geographic exploration and exploitation of the resources in the polar offshore area (by hunting for walrus ivory teeth, seals, and whales), the focus is currently shifting toward the sustainable ...
    • Policies Drive Sub-National Forest Transitions in Vietnam 

      Trædal, Leif Tore; Angelsen, Arild (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Vietnam has seemingly been able to shortcut the forest transition (FT) by quickly moving to the reforestation phase. Provincial-level forest cover and socio-economic trends are, however, not necessarily compatible with a ...
    • Policy action for green restructuring in specialized industrial regions 

      Jakobsen, Stig Erik; Uyarra, Elvira; Njøs, Rune; Fløysand, Arnt (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Combining insights from evolutionary economic geography and socio-technical transition studies, this article provides a conceptual framework and a theory-informed empirical analysis of policy dimensions for regional green ...
    • Policy Review on the Norwegian Initiative of Offering Free Homework Assistance in Schools 

      Hu, Aihua; Huang, Lihong (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Purpose: Through reviewing an education policy blueprint in Norway, titled “An Offer of Homework Assistance” (issued by the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training in June 2010), the present article aims to shed ...
    • Politikerløftet - den nødvendige debatten 

      Trippestad, Tom Are (Chronicle, 2019)
      I snart 30 år har profesjon etter profesjon vært effektivisert gjennom mål- og resultatstyring. Unntaket er politikerne. Vi må nå tørre å reise debatten om en kvalitetsheving også av politikken.

      Ollerton, Jeff; Trunschke, Judith; Havens, Kayri; Landaverde-González, Patricia; Keller, Alexander; Gilpin, Amy-Marie; Rech, André Rodrigo; Baronio, Gudryan J.; Phillips, Benjamin J.; Mackin, Chris; Stanley, Dara A.; Treanore, Erin; Baker, Ellen; Rotheray, Ellen L.; Erickson, Emily; Fornoff, Felix; Brearley, Francis Q.; Ballantyne, Gavin; Iossa, Graziella; Stone, Graham N.; Bartomeus, Ignasi; Stockan, Jenni A.; Leguizamón, Johana; Prendergast, Kit; Rowley, Lisa; Giovanetti, Manuela; de Oliveira Bueno, Raquel; Wesselingh, Renate A.; Mallinger, Rachel; Edmondson, Sally; Howard, Scarlett R.; Leonhardt, Sara D.; Rojas-Nossa, Sandra V.; Brett, Maisie; Joaqui, Tatiana; Antoniazzi, Reuber; Burton, Victoria J.; Feng, Hui-Hui; Tian, Zhi-Xi; Xu, Qi; Zhang, Chuan; Shi, Chang-Li; Huang, Shuang-Quan; Cole, Lorna J.; Bendifallah, Leila; Ellis, Emilie E.; Hegland, Stein Joar; Díaz, Sara Straffon; Lander, Tonya; Mayr, Antonia V.; Katzer, Sophie; Dawson, Richard; Eeraerts, Maxime; Armbruster, William Scott; Walton, Becky; Adjlane, Noureddine; Falk, Steven; Mata, Luis; Geiger, Anya Goncalves; Carvell, Claire; Wallace, Claire; Ratto, Fabrizia; Barberis, Marta; Kahane, Fay; Connop, Stuart; Stip, Anthonie; Sigrist, Maria Rosangela; Vereecken, Nicolas J.; Klein, Alexandra-Maria; Baldock, Katherine C.R.; Arnold, Sarah E.J. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      During the main COVID-19 global pandemic lockdown period of 2020 an impromptu set of pollination ecologists came together via social media and personal contacts to carry out standardised surveys of the flower visits and ...
    • Polymer/Fullerene Blend Solar Cells with Cadmium Sulfide Thin Film as an Alternative Hole-Blocking Layer 

      Thanihaichelvan, Murugathas; loheeswaran, Selvadurai; Balashankar, Kailasabathy; Velauthapillai, Dhayalan; Ravirajan, Punniyamoorthy (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      In this work, chemical bath-deposited cadmium sulfide (CdS) thin films were employed as an alternative hole-blocking layer for inverted poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) and phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) bulk ...
    • Polypharmacy and potential drug–drug interactions in home-dwelling older people – a cross-sectional study 

      Hermann, Monica; Carstens, Nina; Kvinge, Lars Malvin Røsseland; Fjell, Astrid; Wennersberg, Marianne Hauge; Folleso, Kjersti; Skaug, Knut; Seiger, Åke; Cronfalk, Berit Seiger; Bostrøm, Anne-Marie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Background: Risks associated with polypharmacy and drug–drug interactions represent a challenge in drug treatment, especially in older adults. The aim of the present study was to assess the use of prescription and ...
    • The polyphony of musician–teacher partnerships: Towards real dialogues? 

      Holdhus, Kari Mette (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      This article aims to explore and discuss how, on many levels and in many ways, polyphonic dialogues can fluctuate among participants in a multidisciplinary didactic art project implemented in schools, namely, School and ...
    • Ponduismens rare hatter: Humor, vanliggjøring og religionskritikk i Frode Øverlis Pondus 

      Hertzberg, Michael Ivan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      De fleste i Norge har hørt om tegneserien Pondus, som i over 20 år har kommet ut som avisstripe i mange av landets aviser, som eget månedsblad, og i mer enn 20 bind om Pondus og hans mange venner og kjente i Pondus-universet. ...
    • Population dynamic regulators in an empirical predator-prey system 

      Frank, Anna-Simone Josefine; Subbey, S.; Kobras, Melanie; Gjøsæter, H. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Capelin (Mallotus villosus) is a short-lived (1–4 years) fish species, that plays a crucial role by dominating the intermediate trophic level in the Barents Sea. Several episodes of extreme biomass decline (collapse) have ...
    • Populists will leave us all impoverished 

      Benneworth, Paul (Others, 2019)
    • Posisjonering og evaluering i argumenterande elevtekstar 

      Myklebust, Hege (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)
    • The position of home-care nursing in primary health care: A critical analysis of contemporary policy documents 

      Fjørtoft, Ann-Kristin; Oksholm, Trine; Førland, Oddvar; Delmar, Charlotte; Alvsvåg, Herdis (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Internationally, primary health care has in recent years gained a more central position in political priorities to ensure sustainable health care for the population. Thus, more people receive health care locally and in ...
    • Positioning patients for robotic-assisted surgery: A qualitative study of operating room nurses' experiences 

      Bjøro, Benedikte; Ballestad, Ingvild; Rustøen, Tone; Fosmark, Monica Hetlesæther; Bentsen, Signe Berit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Aim One of the challenges of robotic-assisted surgery is related to positioning of the patient on the operating table. Technological developments place increased demands on operating room nurses' competence to prevent ...