• Observasjonsskjema for måling av ISBAR 

      Tangvik, Linda Skaug; Kinn-Mikalsen, Mats; Johnsgaard, Tone; Reime, Marit Hegg (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Bakgrunn: Oppsummert forskning rapporterer mangelfulle rutiner ved intrahospitale overflyttinger. Den muntlige overleveringen av pasientinformasjon mellom avdelinger beskrives som ustrukturert og varierende, og det etterlyses ...
    • Observation as a professional tool in Norwegian kindergartens and kindergarten teacher education 

      Birkeland, Johanna; Baste, Valborg; Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Observation is one of the central elements of kindergarten teachers’ education and the profession. Through a survey in Norway, in which 1311 in-service teachers, kindergarten managers, and pedagogy teachers participated ...
    • Observation – A Part of Kindergarten Teachers' Professional Skill Set 

      Birkeland, Johanna (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Knowledge and skills in observation form part of the qualifications a kindergarten teacher needs to become a professional. In this article, I will focus on the theme of observation in kindergarten teacher education (KTE) ...
    • Observed sediment and solute transport from the Kangerlussuaq sector of the Greenland Ice Sheet (2006–2016) 

      Hasholt, B.; van As, Dirk; Mikkelsen, Andreas B.; Mernild, Jacob Sebastian Haugaard; Yde, Jacob C. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      New measurements of Watson River sediment and solute concentrations and an extended river discharge record improved by acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) measurements are used to calculate the total sediment and ...
    • Occupational rehabilitation is associated with improvements in cognitive functioning 

      Johansen, Thomas; Jensen, Chris Jørgen; Eriksen, Hege Randi; Lyby, Peter Solvoll; Dittrich, Winand H.; Holsen, Inge N.; Jakobsen, Hanne; Øyeflaten, Irene Larsen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Introduction: Occupational rehabilitation may be offered to workers on long-term sick leave who often report problems with cognitive functioning, anxiety, depression, pain, and reduced work ability. The empirical knowledge ...
    • Occupational Therapy Interventions for Persons with Cognitive Impairments Living in the Community 

      Stigen, Linda; Björk, Evastina; Lund, Anne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      This study describes interventions provided by community occupational therapists for persons with cognitive impairments. Using an online questionnaire, a cross-sectional study was conducted, collecting data from 497 of the ...
    • Occupational therapy students’ preferences for teaching and course design across a three-year undergraduate education program 

      Edvardsen, Even Elias; Dalseth, Eline Fjærestad; Johnson, Susanne Grødem; Stigen, Linda; Mørk, Gry; Magne, Trine A; Gramstad, Astrid; Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova; Bonsaksen, Tore (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Purpose Understanding students’ preferences for teaching and course design is important for educators in higher education when planning courses and teaching activities. The purpose of this study was to explore changes in ...
    • Ocular becomings in dangerous times: Special Issue Editorial 

      White, Elizabeth Jayne; Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Over the years, there has been growing international interest in understanding the visual, the ‘politics of the eye’ and what we here refer to as ‘ocular becomings’. This metaphor was chosen as the theme of this special ...
    • Office concepts: A scoping review 

      Gjerland, Ane Kjellaug Brekke; Søiland, Elisabeth; Thuen, Frode (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Office concepts influence employees’ work experience and performance, as well as the profitability of organisations. This study used a scoping review approach to map the field of empirical research on office concepts, ...
    • Old Icelandic and Sami Ancestor Mountains: A Comparison 

      Heide, Eldar (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      From thirteenth-century Iceland, we have texts that tell us about a belief in local mountains where people could go after death. In mainland Scandinavia, the eighteenth-century sources for Sami religion tell us about a ...
    • Older patients’ experiences during care transition 

      Rustad, Else Cathrine; Furnes, Bodil; Seiger, Berit E. Cronfalk; Dysvik, Elin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)
    • Older Patients’ Involvement in Shared Decision-Making—A Systematic Review 

      Holm, Anne Lise; Berland, Astrid Karin; Severinsson, Ingeborg Elisabeth (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)
      Shared decision-making has been described as allowing patients to gain more control over their life situation and feel less helpless. The aim of this systematic review was to describe the involvement of older patients in ...
    • Older Patients’ Involvement in Shared Decision-Making—A Systematic Review 

      Holm, Anne Lise; Berland, Astrid Karin; Severinsson, Ingeborg Elisabeth (Journal article, 2016)
      Shared decision-making has been described as allowing patients to gain more control over their life situation and feel less helpless. The aim of this systematic review was to describe the involvement of older patients in ...
    • Older people living at home: experiences of healthy ageing 

      Fjell, Astrid; Eriksen, Kristin Ådnøy; Hermann, Monica; Boström, Anne-Marie; Cronfalk, Berit Seiger (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate how old persons perceived their life to be, how they viewed the ageing process and their need of health care and societal support. Background: The purpose of WHO’s ...
    • Om Aura, Patron, Revolution og tolkning av navn på travhester 

      Orseth, Dag (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Trotters are animals that compete against each other and their names are the primary instrument for the players to distinguish between them. Different countries all have limits of about 20 years before a name can be reused. ...
    • Om danning og livsmeistring: Døden som eksistensielt tema i religions- og livssynsfaget 

      Lauvsnes, Anne Brit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      I KRLE-læreplanen RLE01-03 (Kunnskapsløftet 2020) har «utforsking av eksistensielle spørsmål og svar» fått ei sentral rolle som eit kjerneelement i faget. I denne artikkelen ­diskuterer eg på teoretisk grunnlag korleis ...
    • Om kardinaltal og det å oppfatte kardinaltal 

      Myklebust, Terje; Mestad, Idar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      I denne teoretiske artikkelen diskuterer vi kardinaltal og kva det vil seie å oppfatte kardinalitet og kardinaltal. Artikkelen går inn på detaljar som krev ei avklaring av desse omgrepa. Her hentar vi inspirasjon blant ...
    • Om pedagogisk forskning ved norske lærerutdanninger: Pedagogikkutdanneres oppfatninger av pedagogisk forskning 

      Sæverot, Herner; Brekke, May Britt Revheim; Baraldsnes, Dziuginta; Torgersen, Glenn-Egil (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The topic of this study is pedagogical research at Norwegian teacher education schools. The research question we ask is: How should, according to educationists, pedagogical research in teacher education be perceived? The ...
    • Omsorg for den samfunnsnyttige kroppen 

      Boge, Jeanne; Kristoffersen, Kjell; Martinsen, Kari (Journal article, 2010)
      Den franske filosofen Michel Foucault argumenterte for at ein har styrt moderne samfunn ved hjelp av samankoplingar mellom kroppslege praksisar og vitskap. Denne styringsforma kalla han disiplinering. I denne artikkelen ...
    • Omsorg for lidande menneske - kva kan Tolstoj og Kierkegaard opplysa oss om? 

      Thorkildsen, Kari Marie; Råholm, Maj-Britt (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)