Opplevelse av behov for hjelp hos psykiatriske pasienter som bor i egen bolig
Original version
Vård i Norden 2004;24(4):15-9Abstract
During the last years there has
been a wide reduction in institution
places in psychiatric health
care. The purpose of this study
was to present how psychiatric
patients experience their situation
at home, and in what situations
they need help from the psychiatric
community nurses. Data were
gathered from eleven qualitative
interviews with eight patients. A
hermeneutical approach and method
was used in the study. The
main focus was on the quality of
life of the patients. The patients
expressed a need of having an
informal contact with the nurses
and that the nurses focused on
motivation and practical action.
Three main factors showed out to
be the causes related to the need
of help. The first factor was the
experience of psychological pain.
The second factor was the experience
of loneliness, and the third
factor was related to the tendency
of passivity. The patients need for
help and guidance was therefore
often related to emotional support,
social contact and activities.