• Being mothers and fathers of a child with type 1 diabetes aged 1 to 7 years: a phenomenological study of parents' experiences 

      Iversen, Anne Solveig; Graue, Marit; Haugstvedt, Anne; Råheim, Målfrid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Purpose: The diagnosis of diabetes in pre-school children poses a number of unique challenges related to everyday responsibility, and the continuous need for supervision and caregiving. This may affect both the child’s and ...
    • Lettare sagt enn gjort 

      Frøholm, Hilde Kristin Kleppe (Bachelor thesis, 2015)
      Forsking viser at utelatne insulindosar er eit problem hos ungdom som har type 1 diabetes, og at dette heng saman med manglande ansvarsklargjering og manglande fokus av ulike årsaker. Mange ungdommar får for mykje ansvar ...