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dc.contributor.authorPedersen, Mari Skansberg
dc.descriptionBachelor i sosialt arbeid BSV5-300 Avdeling for samfunnsfag/institutt for barnevern, sosialt arbeid og vernepleie/program sosialt arbeid 26.05.2017nb_NO
dc.description.abstractEmpowerment has become a central concept in health and social sciences. The theory of empowerment emphasizes that when focusing on the patient's resources, the patient could attain more control and power over his own life. This assignment adressed the following issues to explore this thesis: in what ways can empowerment as an approach contribute to the mastery and meaning of life for people who suffer from schizophrenia? Results from research has shown that strengthening of the patient's power and resources must be performed within a relational working ethic. Recognition and empathy is needed as a primary element of relational skills required to approach the patient in a good way. Reflecting on the recources of a human being is of great importance to facilitate the empowerment of the patient. Even so, how the framework and systems laid out within the respective institutions which the empowerment finds place is important. When facilitating new coping mechanisms the patients show an increase of comprehensibility and manageability. By Norwegian laws patients are entitled to participate in activities that increases their meaning in life, to which empowerment in itself should promote. Through empowerment and enhancing the patient's self esteem they should be able to turn shame into pride by decreasing their powelessness.nb_NO
dc.titleEmpowerment i psykisk helsearbeidnb_NO
dc.title.alternativeEmpowerment in mental health carenb_NO
dc.typeBachelor thesisnb_NO

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