Utviklingshemning og seksuelle overgrep
This assignment is about the topic of developmental disability and sexual abuse. The choice of the theme was based on my own experiences and the encounter with the topic in practice. The purpose of this task is to highlight various key factors that can help prevent sexual abuse against people with disabilities. There will be presented theory about the topic of developmental disability and sexuality, as well as the topic of developmental disability and sexual abuse.The acquisition of knowledge has taken place through a literature study where I have done a search process and it have initially become a master's thesis and a research article. I have gone through this research and broken down the data and analyzed it to create my own data, and findings for the task. To limit the scope of the assignment, I have extracted two categories that I consider to be the most central findings in relation to my study. Under these categories there are subjects that are angled from different views.The first category is attitudes, the attitudes of the service providers. Under this category, I will firstly present findings about the taboo topic, like taboo attitude at service providers. Secondly, I will present findings about the topic of credibility, as if people with disabilities are credible. The second category is vulnerability, the vulnerability of people with developmental disabilities. Under the last category I will present findings about the subject of the boundaries, the boundaries of the recipient himself and others.
Bachelor i vernepleie BSV5-300 Avdeling for samfunnsfag/Institutt for barnevern, sosialt arbeid og vernepleie 26.05.2017