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dc.contributor.authorKallekleiv, Christina
dc.descriptionBachelor i vernepleie BSV5-300 Avdeling for samfunnsfag/Institutt for barnevern, sosialt arbeid og vernepleienb_NO
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this thesis is to examine which protection factors can promote development with children of schizophrenic parents. It is a literary study based on relevant literature and research, found by using recognized search engines such as Google Scholar and Oria. Five research articles have been used as a basis for answering the issue of the thesis. These havebeen critically assessed. The research articles consist mainly of qualitative studies. When a family is affected by psychological illness, it will affect the whole family. Research shows that children of psychologically ill parents have an increased risk of developing a psychological disorder of their own. Knowledge about which factors are relevant for a positive development with at-risk children can be very useful for health personnel who are in a unique position to help. Children want more information about their parent’s illness, and have the need to feel included and safeguarded. Health personnel have a responsibility of facilitating this. In the discussion chapter two protection factors are emphasized as highly important for the child’s positive development. These are: the need for information and a supportive network.nb_NO
dc.publisherHøgskulen på Vestlandet
dc.titleHvilke beskyttelsesfaktorer kan fremme god utvikling hos barn av schizofrene foreldre?nb_NO
dc.title.alternativeWhat protection factors can promote positive development with children of schizophrenic parents?nb_NO
dc.typeBachelor thesisnb_NO

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