Faktorer som påvirker selvbestemmelse hos mennesker med utviklingshemning
Purpose:The purpose of this assignment is to study various factors that affect people with learning disabilities when it comes to self-determination. People with learning disabilities will, to varying degree, have self-determination based on various factors. The factors which affects the degree of self-determination studied in this assignment are how the degree of learning disability is a factor, how a disability nurse is a factor when it comes to attitudes, values and knowledge is a factor,how the quality of the relationship between the person with learning disability and the disability nurse is a factor, and how the power the disability nurse have and the workplace ́s cultural context is a factor.
Method:To answer this assignment, literature study was used as a method. It was used various subject books, internet sources and research articles to answer this assignment.
Results: The results in this study show that how much self-determination people with learning disabilities have, depends on the degree of learning disability, and what views, attitudes and knowledge a disability nurse has about learning disabilities,the quality of the relationship between the person with learning disability and the disability nurse,and the power the disability nurse have, and the culture contexts in the workplace. The results in this study are, therefore, how much self-determination people with learning disabilities have, depends on various factors.These findings suggest that the degree of self-determination of people with learning disabilitiesis complex, and cannot be explained by a simple factor, but through the interaction between them.
Bachelor i vernepleie BSV5-300 Avdeling for samfunnsfag/Institutt for barnevern, sosialt arbeid og vernepleie 24.05.2017