Digital learning resources outdoors – what do teachers and students want? Report 2 from the GeoSite project
This is the second of two reports from the ERASMUS+ project GeoSite. The two reports aim to set the framework for the main project, which is to develop digital learning resources for a selected number of geosites at the four partner-geoparks and develop general guidelines describing a methodology for and excursion didactics for geological sites in any geopark. The first report describes a survey of what digital educational resources already exist in UNESCO Global Geoparks in Europe, this report describes what a selection of teachers and students say that they want or can imagine in this area.
The students say that they are used to digital tool, in most cases using their phones, tablets and computers to navigate web resources or apps designed for educational purposes. Their dream tool would be an app or a function on their phones which could scan and determine features of natural phenomena. The teachers report similar wants and needs, they but are also concerned with the problems of outdoor didactics. The cost of transportation is the main obstacle to more outdoor teaching, but other elements are important as well, such as time/teacher resources, school regulations and more. Both teachers and students want to do more outdoor school activities.