A smart fire risk notification software system
Fires have been a common problem throughout history and have posed significant
risks for lives and nature and caused monetary damages. Specific
infrastructures have been created to prevent and limit fires, such as fire departments,
smoke alarms, and fire extinguishers. The infrastructure existing
today is primarily aimed at preventing and reporting fire after it has occurred.
This thesis builds upon previous work done by the NFR-funded DYNAMIC
research project to create a system that will detect and show areas with high
fire risk, in real-time and with a prediction days ahead. This thesis focus on
implementing and verifying the formal specification of software architecture
for a fire risk notification system [12].
Masteroppgave i programvareutvikling.
Fakultet for ingeniør- og naturvitskap/ Institutt for datateknologi, elektroteknologi og realfag/ Høgskulen på Vestlandet.