PIONEERED: Elaborating the link between social and educational policies for tackling educational inequalities in Europe
Hadjar, Andreas; Alieva, Aigul; Jobst, Solvejg; Skrobanek, Jan; Grecu, Alyssa; Gewinner, Irina; de Moll, Frederick; Toom, Auli
Original version
Handjar, A., Alieva, A., Jobst, S., Skrobanek, J., Grecu, A., Gewinner, I., de Moll, F., & Toom, A. (2021). PIONEERED: Elaborating the link between social and educational policies for tackling educational inequalities in Europe. Sozialpolitik Ch, 2022(1). 10.18753/2297-8224-183Abstract
Although a number of policies tackling educational inequalities have been introduced in recent decades in Europe, educational inequalities exist to a varying extent both in different sub- and supranational contexts. In this article, we address the link between social and educational policies with respect to educational inequalities. Educational policies aim to guarantee opportunities throughout educational trajectories and beyond. They pertain to all areas and the entire duration of the human life. Our contribution to introduces the ongoing Horizon 2020 project PIONEERED on educational inequalities by elaborating on the social problems behind those disparities, and by outlining the project’s conceptual and methodological approaches that join together multilevel, intersectional and life-course perspectives.