Safe procedures for personnel-transfer from a vessel to an offshore floating wind turbine
This report is prepared to identify safe procedures for transfer of personnel from vessels to floating offshore wind turbines. The use of a gangway system mounted on the deck of a vessel is known to represent state of art for access to fixed offshore wind turbines. For floating offshore wind turbines, the transfer is involving two floating moving objects and the relative motion between these will limit the availability to use the system. Safe procedures at the vessel are critical and the vessel master will be in charge of the transfer. This report should, however, point to measures to be carried out to ensure safe transfer and be a support to all involved in the transfer of personnel. The operator of the wind turbine will have to select vessel and equipment in accordance with an evaluation of the required availability to access the wind turbine. The capabilities of vessels are quite different and the vessel should be selected to have minimum of motions in normal wave situations. The motion of vessel and wind turbine foundation in long swells could also be a limiting factor for safe access. It may also be necessary to evacuate personnel from offshore floating wind turbines, possibly caused by increasing weather situations where the limiting conditions are approaching. Other causes for evacuation or other emergency situations should also be identified.
HVL sin Skriftserie, HVL-Rapport