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«Vi er ingen selskapsdamer»: Førstelinjeansattes legitimering av nedprioritering av omsorg i hjemmetjenestene
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Bakgrunn: De siste årene har det vært økt oppmerksomhet på å få kontroll på ressursbruken i de kommunale helse- ogomsorgstjenestene. I artikkelen presenterer vi en etnografisk studie av prioritering i praksis – med søkelys ... -
Aktiveringspolitikk og prioritering i kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenester til eldre: Tjenestetildelingens «fortjenestefullhet»
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Tjenestetildeling og prioritering i de kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenestene har fått ny aktualitet i lys av bærekraftutfordringer i primærhelsetjenesten. I artikkelen undersøker vi hvordan styringssignaler og moralske ... -
Does assistive technology contribute to safety among home-dwelling older adults?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background Assistive technology carries the promise of alleviating public expenditure on long-term care, while at the same time enabling older adults to live more safely at home for as long as possible. Home-dwelling older ... -
Areas of consensus on unwarranted and warranted transfers between nursing homes and emergency care facilities in Norway: a Delphi study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background Transferring residents from nursing homes (NHs) to emergency care facilities (ECFs) is often questioned as many are terminally ill and have access to onsite care. While some NH to ECF transfers have merit, ... -
Hopeful, but Worried for the Future: An Analysis of the Lived Consequences of Colonisation as Narrated by Older South Sámi in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Various forms of colonisation and discrimination processes are unfortunately common to Indigenous Peoples worldwide. In this article, the focus is the lived consequences of colonisation in the Norwegian part of Sápmi (the ... -
Opphav, omgivelse og velferdsstat
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2023) -
Conceptualizing Needs When Allocating Public Long-Term Care Services in the Welfare State
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2024)The chapter explores and discusses the concept and phenomenon of needs within public long-term care services. A shift from primarily thinking of the welfare state as a safety net securing basic needs to considering it as ... -
The crisis in the nursing home labour force: where is the political will?
(In a Turbulent Era series;, Chapter, 2023)There is no care without care workers. When it comes to the nursing home labour force, the pandemic turned what was a dire situation into a crisis, with working conditions driving staff out of care. Well before Covid, ... -
Enabling Teams to Implement Innovative Personalized Activation in a Public Sector Context: Why and How Frontline Leadership Matters
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article investigates the strategies used by frontline supervisors to lead teams in the implementation of innovative activation services and the ways in which these strategies are perceived by the frontline workers ... -
Exploring Goals and Functional Changes in Reablement for People with Fractures and People with Dizziness and Balance Problems
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: Although older people often have challenges with fractures and dizziness/balance problems, knowledge concerning the impact of reablement of people with these conditions is limited. Aim: To explore functional ... -
Epistemologisk grunnarbeid i forsking om velferdsstatens tenester: å konstruere forskingsobjektet
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Artikkelen drøftar eit grunnlagsproblem som handlar om korleis ein i forsking på velferdsregimer og -tenester stiller seg til og forstår tilhøvet mellom teori og røynd, og kva implikasjonar denne forståinga har for omgrepsbruk ... -
Endringer i daglige aktiviteter, fysisk funksjon og livskvalitet etter hverdagsrehabilitering for voksne i yrkesaktiv alder: en oppfølgingsstudie
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: There is a lack of research on daily functioning and quality of life development among participants in reablement. Aim: To examine changes in performance of daily activities and satisfaction with that performance, ... -
A critical appraisal and recommendation synthesis of delirium clinical practice guidelines relevant to the care of older adults in the emergency department: An umbrella review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Rationale Older adults are at high risk of developing delirium in the emergency department (ED); however, it is often missed or undertreated. Improving ED delirium care is challenging in part due to a lack of standards ... -
Protocol for developing a set of performance measures to monitor and evaluate delirium care quality for older adults in the emergency department using a modified e-Delphi process
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Introduction Older adults are at high risk of developing delirium in the emergency department (ED). Delirium associated with an ED visit is independently linked to poorer outcomes such as increased length of hospital ... -
Development and validation of the Overall Fidelity Enactment Scale for Complex Interventions (OFES-CI)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background In many quality improvement (QI) and other complex interventions, assessing the fidelity with which participants ‘enact’ intervention activities (ie, implement them as intended) is underexplored. Adapting the ... -
Conceptions of healthcare professionals about rehabilitees’ participation in goal setting in an acute hospital: A phenomenographic study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Purpose In acute care, effective goal-setting is an essential phase of a successful rehabilitation process. However, professionals’ knowledge and skills in rehabilitee-centered practice may not always match the ways of ... -
Developing a tool to measure enactment of complex quality improvement interventions in healthcare
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Quality improvement (QI) projects are common in healthcare settings and often involve interdisciplinary teams working together towards a common goal. Many interventions and programmes have been introduced through research ... -
Effect of Optimal Alcohol-Based Hand Rub among Nurse Students Compared with Everyday Practice among Random Adults; Can Water-Based Hand Rub Combined with a Hand Dryer Machine Be an Alternative to Remove E. coli Contamination from Hands?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Efficient hand hygiene is essential for preventing the transmission of microorganisms. Alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR) is a recommended method. We compared health personnel (skilled nurse students) with random adults to study ... -
Cisan and Malahang: Indigenous Older Adults’ Voices on Active Aging – Findings from a Qualitative Study in Taiwan
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The Taiwan Government follows the policy of active aging to prevent frailty. However, the current services lack cultural safety toward the Indigenous peoples and would benefit from a broader perspective on what active aging ... -
Access to, use of, and experiences with social alarms in home-living people with dementia: results from the LIVE@Home.Path trial
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: Social alarms are considered an appropriate technology to ensure the safety and independence of older adults, but limited research has been conducted on their actual use. We, therefore, explored the access, ...